Daniel and Erin Lang Prayer Letter: Teaching Institute!God is very good to His children! We experience it daily. We’ve been blessed recently as members of our church have given testimony of how God has provided for them. There are many difficult situations that people here face every day, yet our Father knows each and every one of them. Wherever you are in the world and however good or bad your situation may seem, God is aware!

March 28-30, we helped run the second “Who Will Go?” Youth Camp in Ibadan. We had 145 people present from 19 different churches. Based on the decision cards, about 50 people made known their decision to do or change something in their lives that would enable them to serve God better. We are thankful for your prayers for these Youth Camps! God is working, and we’ve had multiple young people let us know that they are planning to come to Bible college next semester! We are praying that many ministering servants of God would be the fruit of our efforts! Please pray for the third and final camp happening July 11-13.

One of my favorite ministering opportunities is teaching at our Bible institute, which is held every Saturday. It is such a privilege to teach men and women who give hours of their busy week to the pursuit of God’s Word. Some are mothers, some are future pastors, and some are young people who value the things of God. They are all gathered to try and get the necessary tools to be able to serve God to the best of their ability! I just finished teaching a “Church Education” course and had 13 students.

On the second Sunday of May, Truth Baptist Church enjoyed its 18th anniversary. There were 579 people who came, with over 100 being first-time visitors! We used the entire month of May to focus on inviting people to church to hear the Gospel. Our members responded well, and many people attended church and heard clearly, some for the first time, that the finished work of Jesus is the only thing that can save a person.

Every Sunday of the year, immediately after the morning service, we have a visitors’ meeting. During the meeting, the visitor can ask one of our staff or men questions about the church, salvation, baptism, etc. Many people are saved during these meetings! In July, we will host a Family Day for our deaf ministry. Please pray that many will hear and respond to the Gospel that day!

In the past, it has been very time-consuming to obtain a visa to visit Nigeria. In April, four of Bro. Holmes’ guests took advantage of a new visa-on-arrival. All that is needed from visitors is their flight itinerary, passport data page, address, signature, and a photo for a 30-day visa that costs $260. This should make coming to Nigeria much easier! If you are interested in visiting us or have questions, please let me know!

Thank you for your prayers! We know that it takes folks like you to send folks like us!

In His service,

Daniel, Erin, Zeke, and Gianna Lang