The second quarter of 2023 was a busy time. Amongst the busy schedule, our church and its ministries saw 2,799 precious souls receive Christ as Saviour. That included 905 from our outreach in Lipa City and 1,894 in Dasmariñas City. It’s exciting to be in the Lord’s work!
One of the joys that we shared was being part of the wedding of Liezel Becera, one of our Bible college graduates who now works with her husband in full-time ministry.
The folks in our church got together and set up an overnight church outing for my 66th birthday. It was a wonderful time of eating, testimonies, and relaxing. I even got to do a little fishing! The highlight of the outing was a baptismal service, with 9 people getting baptized in the ocean.
We celebrated our church’s 18th anniversary in May. It’s amazing how time flies. We have seen children become adults and assume responsibilities in our church. Teenagers have become parents, and young couples have become grandparents. The architect and engineer for our building program were toddlers when we started our church.
We also celebrated the 17th anniversary of our Bible college on July 4th. Our first day of college was on July 4, 2006, with 22 students.
We had a wonderful revival in June with a full house, including pastors and members from several different churches attending. It was truly a revival in every sense of the word, with many decisions being made for Christ. A wonderful part of the revival was the preparation. Many of our folks worked hard and spent a week giving our auditorium and church facility a complete face-lift in preparation for the revival. Working together was very motivating for our folks.
Thank you so much to all who have prayed for and financially supported our ministry for all these years. As we see God working in our lives and ministries, we are always grateful for all of you who have sacrificed to keep us in this white harvest field.
Yours for souls,
Courtney & Ester Godsoe

Our Bible college graduate, Liezel Becera, with her husband–they both work in full-time ministry.