Charles and Lindsey Osgood Prayer Letter: Pastors' and Workers' ConferenceThank you for your prayers and financial support!

Family Addition

We praise the Lord that, on September 4, Lindsey was able to give birth to a baby girl, Lily Sue! We are very much in love with this precious child God has entrusted to our care. Lindsey and Lily are doing well.

Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference

August 13-16, we conducted our 17th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. Our theme was “Developing Leaders.” Pastor Mark Holmes, missionary to Nigeria, was our guest speaker. What a great conference it was! We had split sessions for laymen, ladies, youth, pastors, children’s workers, and for those training to be soul winners. We had about 500 registered delegates from over 60 different churches, which is an increase of over 100 from last year. Over 900 people attended our evening services. We are so grateful that God has given us the opportunity to influence many to be faithful in their service for Him!

Vision Clinics

September 15-17, our church partnered with Truth for Today Medical Missions to conduct 3 eye clinics. In the 3 days of clinics, 649 patients were helped. Each one of them heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. Over 480 patients professed faith in Christ! Please pray for these converts to come to church and grow in the Lord. Also, we plan to conduct vision clinics in the future as an outreach ministry. Please pray that God will give us wisdom, direction, and provision for this endeavor.


My family is currently in the USA. Please pray that we can get Lily’s paperwork done on time to return to Ghana on November 6. Also, I have some meetings scheduled in Michigan and Missouri. Please pray that God would give us safety as we travel and that He would use us to be a blessing and an encouragement to the churches where I will speak.

In Christ,

Charles, Lindsey, Josiah, and Lily Osgood