“. . . not willing that any should perish . . . .” (II Peter 3:9)
The Lord gave us six additional commitments of support this summer. So thankful! We also thank each church for the opportunity to present our burden and to fellowship with amazing Christians. We take joy in teaming with churches and giving the Gospel here until we return to Thailand.
On a foggy morning, August 5, in Daly City, California, Sarah led a man named Earl to the Lord. Earl was so happy to be saved and wanted his four-year-old son to know also someday. This was the very last door that Sarah and her partner knocked with Harvest Baptist Church that morning.
In Los Angeles, August 19, Sarah and I parked our van just south of MacArthur Park and began walking north to invite people to church and to give the Gospel. On the edge of the park near the street corner, three homeless men sat and spoke words to us. We walked by, and I looked over at them at the last second. One of the men, Shawn, was staring right at me. About eight steps later, I realized that I was not doing my job, reversed course, and went back to the three men. Two of them listened very closely, understood the Gospel, wanted to pray, and asked Jesus to save them from their sins and give them a home in Heaven when their life here ends. Shawn and Christopher accepted the Lord—a great reminder that no matter the appearance given, we must freely give the Gospel to all.
One block north, we met a Filipino family sitting on a bench, cooling off in the shade. Mark and Dolly, a husband and wife, sat waiting to take their children to the doctor. Sarah began talking with Dolly while I had a conversation with Mark. They both grew up in the Philippines and had been living in Downtown Los Angeles for many years. While Dolly was somewhat resistant to hearing outside of her Catholic upbringing, Mark had many questions. He had an uncle in the Philippines who had switched from Catholic to Baptist. He was always curious as to why he had done so. Mark had many truths, already identified, but had not put all of the pieces together yet for salvation. He had a lot of questions, and I could sense his interest in everything the Bible said. This was fun. Mark was passionate about the Scriptures and wanted to learn. The Lord allowed Mark to trust in the Gospel as we went through the Scriptures. Mark was very happily saved. We want so much for them to go to church, and they desire to go as well. The Los Angeles Baptist Church, who hosted us, is located very near their house, so we pray that they will both go and that Dolly and her children will also be saved. Please pray for Mark, Dolly, Shawn, Christopher, and Travis.
The following weekend while soul winning in Corona, California, with Miguel Mateo, many doors were knocked. When Spanish was needed, Miguel took over and did a very good job as a 10-year-old young man. Towards the very end of the two hours, we came across Deborah, age 19. She had been in America for a year, had very good English, and was searching for answers about going to Heaven. I shared the Gospel, and she gladly accepted the Lord’s plan of salvation. We invited her to church, and I told her that I would bring Pastor Mateo back to visit in a few minutes (Pastor Mateo was leading another man to the Lord). Miguel and I waited, and then all of us went back to Deborah’s house. Deborah’s mom Carmen answered the door. Pastor Mateo gave her the Gospel, and Carmen was saved. Please pray for Deborah, Carmen, and family.
Grateful to serve,
Chad Inman and Family
- Pastor Perez
- Soul Winning
- Mark and Family
- Pastor Menjivar
- Pastor Mateo