On December 4, we had our Bible college graduation. This year there were 6 graduates. One graduate, Janio Mena, came from the country of Ecuador. He was an outstanding student and involved in all of the ministries of the church. He plans to go back and work in the jungles among the unreached Auca Indians just like Jim Elliot and Nate Saint. We are excited about his future ministry in the jungles of Ecuador. Our church plans to support him with our Faith Promise offerings.
Carlos is a construction worker I led to Christ. He was very sick recently and discovered that he has colon cancer. He is my age. I have been visiting him and praying with him.
A different Carlos and his wife Claudia were saved during our national conference in November. Carlos works for the Special Anti-Riot Police Force. Since his salvation, he has had a complete turnaround. He was known before as a very wicked man. Praise the Lord for the change He has done in Carlos’s life! Carlos is faithful to all the church services. It has been exciting to see him also get involved in some of the church ministries.
I am dealing with a couple that are married but separated. My goal is that, through prayer and training, they would get back together. After the wife got saved, she requested help for some personal problems, as well as with her marriage. Thank God for someone who wants help!
Another couple is also having a lot of marriage problems. This couple is living in the area of my bus route. In spite of the very difficult problems that have arisen, the situation has calmed down. Praise the Lord! They were living together, and just a few weeks back, they got married. We are excited for them. They have been dealt with as far as their salvation.
On the 31st of December, we invited some families to come to our house to eat a big meal, hear some preaching, and welcome in the New Year! Each family brought some food, and I was able to get a 60-pound goat for the event. We cooked the goat on the grill while the men played soccer. Forty people were present. They stayed all night playing games; some found a mattress and slept.
On the 1st of January, they continued to play games and sports. During the afternoon the men went to the river to go swimming. While they were gone, it rained hard for 40 minutes. My truck got stuck in the mud, and they all had to walk back from the river. The men that went to the river were covered in mud from top to bottom. A neighbor in the area had a tractor and helped me get the truck out. Praise the Lord! They all had a fun-filled adventure.
Your support is vital in enabling us to stay in Argentina and continue the work of church planting. Thank you for being a part of this ministry. May the Lord bless you and give you all a Happy New Year!
For souls,
Brian R. George and Family