In March, we finished up in California and headed back to the Midwest. We were able to be a part of the missions conference with Pastor Randy Dignan and Bible Baptist Church. It was a thrill for me because Pastor Dignan was one of my former Sunday school teachers when I was in high school. It was an amazing missions conference, and their “Christmas in March” for our children was such a blessing. They got spoiled!!! During the week of the conference, Pastor Dignan took all the missionary men to visit one of their dear members who was in the hospital, Bro. Ray McGaughey. He was a faithful member at Bible Baptist Church, and he loved missions. We visited him to be an encouragement, but in turn the visit was such an encouragement to us. We almost broke out in a revival there in the hospital. We were singing hymns of the faith, and we had a couple of the staff members join us in singing.
We then headed to the Oklahoma and Texas area. We had a few churches vote to partner with us right away! God is so good! We were invited to present at Bible Baptist Church in Dumas, Texas, with Pastor Johnny Widener. Pastor Widener and his family were once missionaries in Ghana. It was a blessing to be with them and get the inside scoop of their experiences there in Ghana.

Pastor Michael Burris was so kind to help with our schedule.
Next we headed to Georgia and were there for a month and a half. Praise the Lord! We want to say a huge “thank you” to the pastors who helped us with our schedule. We had so many good meetings and several new partners. So many people with a heart for the Deaf and for missions. Several huge answers to prayer and needs were met while we were at the missions conference at King’s Way Baptist Church with Pastor Joe Hayman. Our family needed dental work and checkups. They not only met the need financially but had an appointment for all three boys to get their checkups done that week. Also, my wife was looking at getting Lasik surgery. We had veteran missionaries highly recommend it. We were given a name of a place that would give her half off the price. My wife almost fell over, while interpreting, when Pastor Hayman announced that the need was met in full.
We thank God for all His blessings. He surely is the One Who giveth all increase. We currently are at 72% of our support and are awaiting to hear from several churches. We are hoping to finish up deputation by the end of this year. Please pray with us. We are longing to be there. Please be in prayer for my son Tyler, who is scheduled for surgery on July 22 to have his tonsils removed, and my wife will have Lasik on June 23. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Your co-laborers for the cause of Christ,
The Hall Family