You don’t have to say anything . . .
I remember when I first started soul winning. I was trained by my bus workers from Division 8: Bro. Justin Soto, Bro. Steve Roe, Bro. Jonathan Owens, and Bro. Jonas Moses. These four men stick out in my mind because they all told me the same thing when I first started going with them: “Just listen to me when I’m talking to someone. You don’t have to say anything, maybe translate a bit, and at the end we’ll get something from McDonald’s.” I remember being very scared at first, but after hearing those words, my fears went away.
I teach the children’s Sunday school class here. I make sure to teach all my kiddos the memory verses for the “Romans Road to Salvation.” They are quick to memorize them. We usually have a good number of kids from my Sunday school class out soul winning with us every Saturday. I always tell them the same thing my bus workers would tell me, except the translating part. Little by little, I work my little partner into the conversation with a stranger, and then I remove myself from the conversation and allow the kiddo to take over. I am amazed at how eager they are once they are in control of the conversation. It is really amazing to see a young child witnessing.
I am always encouraged when I hear about children in the other church plants still soul wining after I have left. I will post pictures of our Sunday school class soul-winning group in action. Pastor Zach Foust (IBI San Gabriel) will be having a Spring Program (seasons are opposite in Peru) for the church plant he pastors in San Gabriel. I have been preparing our San Gabriel kids for the past two weeks now. We look forward to a fruitful outcome. Will you join us in prayer that God will use this Spring Program to bring more to Him?
Expert mechanics “MacGyver” parts into your vehicle.
My car has been in the shop for over two months now. I know what you’re thinking, What, two months?! Let me explain. Unfortunately, the automotive industry and auto-parts business don’t go hand in hand here. Peru will only allow certain new car models to enter every year, yet the auto-parts sector is hung up on so much customs red tape that the auto parts for said car models don’t arrive until two to three years later and then only a select amount. So the auto-repair sector has turned into a bunch of expert mechanics “MacGyvering” parts into your vehicle.
It is really interesting watching a mechanic modify a Toyota Camry part to fit into a Chevy taxi. Oddly enough, if possible, when a part cannot be found or modified, they completely cancel it out; e.g., sensors, vacuum hoses, etc. The worst thing about the above is that if you are not the original owner, you have no idea what has been done to your vehicle.
Enter my dilemma and blessing in disguise. What should have been a regular tune-up has turned into a complete motor rebuild due to all the “MacGyvering” that has damaged the motor seals, head gasket, sensors, and hoses. I was really upset and frustrated when I was given the diagnoses and the cost associated. I asked God to give me more patience and to allow me to see the good in this. Through conversation, I created a good rapport with the mechanic and mechanic shop owner. I was able to witness to them both. The mechanic shop owner has even started to go to our Surco church plant. Because I am out of a car, I have started to take public transportation. In so doing, I have met more people, which has allowed me to lead 19 to Christ. I’m sure I would not have met those 19 individuals had my car been repaired.
To be continued . . .
I am thankful for praying and giving friends such as you. If it weren’t for you, my family and I would not be able to be here in Lima, Peru. We love you and pray for you often. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family.
I have included links below for more information and pictures of the various ministries of Team Peru (IBI). Please feel free to share them with friends and families who may ask, “Hey, what is Team Peru up to?”
Prayer Requests
- Safety for our family, our team leader Bro. Dan Hubbard, and the other families of Team Peru
- Additional monthly financial support
- Health for the families of Team Peru
- Continued growth for our Sunday School workers and church families
- We have seen 39 souls saved.
- Sunday school class children are soul winning and bringing visitors to church.
- My car is still in the shop.
Thank you once again for your prayers and support.
Your co-laborers to Peru,
Abraham, Fabiola, Marco, Leilani, and Joaquin Avila
- Faby witnesses while our kiddos test the monkey bars.
- Some of our Sunday school girls witness to a little boy and his sister.
- I think something is missing from my engine bay.
- Marco and Logan witness while Kenny, the boy in the center, waits to hand out tracts.