Andrew Steers Prayer Letter:  Precious in the Sight of the Lord Is the Death of His Saints“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”
Psalm 116:15

Firstly, my apologies for the delay in getting this prayer letter written. It has been a tumultuous several weeks focusing on the care of my wife, Laura Jayne, particularly with medical appointments and spending precious time doing things together.

How does one begin a prayer letter like this when one of God’s choicest saints and spouse graduated to Heaven, seemingly so prematurely, probably with more rewards waiting for her than many amongst the rest of us, including this lowly Australian husband who misses her more in the flesh than in the spirit at this time? Just four months shy of 22 years of a wonderful marriage with my beautiful Laura, she is likely now dancing with the angels, as well as been given a huge hug by Jesus Himself. The Lord took her last Friday, October 18, at 3:23 p.m. U.S. Central Standard Time. She finally conquered her battled with metastatic breast cancer after almost six years, attaining the ultimate miracle of miracles.

What made my wife so extra special was her consistent daily walk with the Lord, exhibiting a Christlike character, which even her lesser half could learn from. How? She had a ready soul-winner’s heart, with her New Testament and tracts ALWAYS on hand. God gave her a love for people of all ages, including teenagers while working in the Bible Club ministry, some of whom are continuing to serve the Lord today. She was always putting the needs of others before herself, while quietly petitioning the Lord in prayer for souls to be saved. This included those who had strayed from the faith, like a nurse several weeks ago who was so taken aback by Laura’s testimony that, following her shift, she had a gorgeous bouquet of purple roses and a card delivered to Laura’s room; this nurse thanked Laura for helping to restore her faith in Christ. Any item she needed or wanted was always bathed in prayer. In fact, 90% of her prayers for specific items, including food, clothing, and furniture, were answered in the affirmative. Even her hospice nurse liked spending time with Laura more than most other patients, understood to be due to Laura’s positive and peaceful outlook on life. One can only conclude that Laura was a favorite of the Lord for all that she purposed to do for His glory.

True, during the past couple of months, the Lord used both of us to distribute many tracts to hospital staff, a social worker named Irene, a delivery man named Ben, and hospice nurses, amongst others.

Please continue to pray for:

1. Corey and Kyle to come to the realization of their need for salvation.
2. Laura’s cousin Kim in Oregon to also recognize her need of Jesus and get saved.
3. The Lord’s wisdom for me in the decisions of future service in the ministry, hopefully back in Tasmania where old Smutty Face is doing his best in trying to discourage so many from accepting Christ.

In closing, a special thanks is given to all of our supporting churches, especially for your prayers through these difficult months, and for many of the same churches led of the Lord to give added support for unforeseen expenses like pharmacy costs. Words will never be enough to convey the love of Christ in such expressions of care.

Closer to home, thank you to our church family here in Indiana, who have been close by with us in our hours of need, including prayer, moral support, the provision of meals when needed, and some who have even surprised us with extras like homemade desserts.

All to the glory of God and our wondrous, merciful Saviour,

Bro. Andrew L. Steers

PS. Please email me or call me at 219-713-6852, as I believe the Lord wants me to visit some supporting churches before returning to the field of Tasmania, hopefully in the new year.