Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Ready to Go HomeThese past two months, we were still traveling on furlough, and we simply spent a lot of time on the road. During this entire furlough, we visited 60 churches in 6 months, so we are now looking forward to getting back to Uganda mid-October.

The church in Uganda is doing well. They are continuing to go soul winning, and new people are joining. I think we will all have a big party with them when we get back. The church we are working with in Burundi has a new pastor and needs our prayers that the transition will go well.

In September, a gang of teenage thieves jumped our fence in Uganda and stole some metal pieces we had in the yard. Our guard caught one, who was just 12 years old, and tied him up for a couple of hours until the police came. It went well because he squealed like a pig on all his friends, and 8 teenagers were arrested. They held them in jail overnight and caned them in the morning. Then their parents also had to pay some fines. I do not think they will be stealing again anytime soon!

Our three children who are still with us are doing well and are also looking forward to getting back home, but we were able to take a few days for enjoyment. We went hiking in New York and took one day to go to Six Flags in New Jersey. That really was something special that we had never done before.

Our children have also been a blessing to the different churches we visit. Of course, they always help with setting up for events at churches and go soul winning. I wish every parent would see the blessing in just getting their children involved in church. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

In His service,

Gregg, Angela, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof