Juan and Amy Vallejo Prayer Letter: Testimonies of BlessingsWe want to thank you for your prayers for our family and for the health of my wife. I’m now looking forward to taking a furlough for the first time in a while. My wife Amy has had some struggles with her health recently and has spent the last few months with her parents in Wisconsin. Following the advice and encouragement of our pastor and our mission board FBMI, I will be joining her there until she is back to normal. Our two oldest sons will be overseeing the ministries here to enable me to be with the rest of my family. Please pray for us during this time and especially for Amy’s recovery.

Thank God, this October will be 18 years here on the mission field. It has not been easy. Many trials and difficulties have come, but the Lord has brought us to this point. He has helped us. It is easy to hear, but it is not always easy to live.

Also continue praying for my children; I thank God for them. They have been a blessing while helping at a camp this summer. The churches have been a great blessing. Daniel helped cook for almost 500 people. Juan was a counselor for a group of children up to 18 years of age. Esther was the one who kept the rooms as clean as if they were in a hotel, and David worked on the grounds, did maintenance, and helped with the cleaning of the kitchen at that time. This camp was a blessing for them because they have gained experience, which will be very useful for the work here in Brazil.

On October 12, Children’s Day is celebrated in Brazil, and if God allows, we want to prepare for it at both churches. Please pray that God will provide the finances to give a gift to the children and to throw them a party on that day too.

Now we are going to share some testimonies of blessings that we have achieved, people we have reached for Christ. Each person counts before God. The Bible talks about there being joy in Heaven for a sinner who repents. So, thank God for the souls we have been able to reach for Christ.

I personally evangelized 66 people last month, and now I will share some of the testimonies. In our Friends’ Service, we had 3 people who accepted Christ. Two of them were from the Pentecostal church, but they did not know about salvation; although they were around 80 years old, they did not know how to go Heaven. We were able to talk to them about the promise of eternal life, which they accepted wholeheartedly.

We also had a visit from 3 brothers from Bolivia. One of them by the name of Gino wants to work with Hispanics here in Brazil, and I had the opportunity to take him to some areas where we are always preaching the Gospel. God gave us the grace to reach 8 people that day. I pray that these people have the interest to come to church.

Also, in the Recovery House ministry, we are constantly reaching people for Christ, and God has allowed us in each service to bring someone to Him. I don’t know about you, but I always ask God to give me someone for Christ when I go out to evangelize. I asked God on this occasion for 5 more people—the Lord granted me 6. At first, no one showed up, and we were almost ready to start the.
service. I persisted, and little by little, people who came from school or work began to appear. I thank God for the results. God wants to save souls. He only needs an instrument to get the Gospel to them.

Thank God, my friend Pastor Amasio assisted us in a Thursday service. Before the service, we were evangelizing in the streets when a car stopped, and the man asked me for a pamphlet. Then I noticed he was a pastor friend of ours, so our pastor friend accompanied us to continue evangelizing. He also asked me to preach in his church the following Sunday, and I thank God for the brothers who were motivated in that service. Pray for this church. May God bless all the members and their pastor too.

Unfortunately, Brazil’s people are very superstitious. While evangelizing one day, a person came up to me and asked if I could pray at his home. He told me that no one from other churches would do it because his wife was from Candomblé (a Spiritism group). I prayed before entering the house, and I began to talk to them, showing them the Gospel. They both asked Christ to be their Saviour. Pray that José and Adriana can get into church so they can grow in the Lord.

The need continues in this country. Brazil needs more and more workers who are united in taking the souls from the enemy. Please pray that we can continue doing it. Thank you for your participation in our ministry. God bless every church that has a part in the souls of Brazil. God bless you, and thank you for your economic and spiritual help.

For the souls of Brazil,

The Vallejo Family