About Brandon Heselschwerdt

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So far Brandon Heselschwerdt has created 73 blog entries.

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Looking Back at 2023 and Forward to 2024

2024-01-25T07:27:44-06:00January 28th, 2024|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

It’s hard to believe that December and the year 2023 have already come to a close. It has been a blessing to look back and see what God has done throughout this year! For the month of December, we were blessed to see many new visitors in ou [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Traveling, Traveling . . . and More Traveling!

2023-12-29T14:05:23-06:00December 31st, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

As the year comes to a close, we find ourselves becoming busier as we prepare and pray for ministry events coming up. After returning home from my Ghana Medical Trip, my family and I loaded up the car and headed for Western Kenya to survey [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Medical Missions Trip to Kumasi, Ghana

2023-11-12T16:35:17-06:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

To say that October was a fast and busy month would be an understatement. God truly is building in many ways, in many areas, and in many lives here in East Africa! Our faithful believers in Acacia have now completed their discipleship cours [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Things Are Picking Up Here in Kenya!

2023-11-11T11:25:03-06:00November 13th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Things are really starting to pick up here in Kenya, and it's been exciting to see what God is doing now and what He will do for us in the near future! This month, I had the blessing of flying to Turkey with my team leader, Peter Morris, to [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: “Mungu Anajenga,” Which Is to Say, “God Is Building.”

2023-10-04T09:24:43-05:00October 6th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Wow! What an incredible month we have had here in Kenya! We started the month out with our PPTA (Pastors’ Practical Training Academy), which our team leader, Bro. Peter Morris, runs. It has been a blessing each month to see how far these pa [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Adjusting Back and Moving Forward!

2023-09-15T15:00:47-05:00September 18th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|

Praise the Lord, our family is back in full swing on Kenyan time here in Kitengela, Kenya! It took a little longer than we expected, but now we are back on schedule after returning from our furlough! We thank the Lord for our little group t [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Back in Kenya After a Short Furlough

2023-07-20T19:04:20-05:00July 24th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

During the first half of June, we were able to wrap up our furlough meetings and head back home to Kitengela, Kenya. As mentioned in our previous prayer letter, we were highly encouraged and blessed by each of our supporting churches. It wa [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: First Furlough and Our Mission Field

2023-07-05T09:50:49-05:00July 6th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The month of May opened up as usual with the Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA). We had ten pastors who made it to Nairobi for the training this month. Peter Morris and I were able to close out our lessons on soul winning, and it wa [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Pastors’ Training, Discipleship, and Baptisms

2023-06-08T15:11:51-05:00June 9th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We kicked off the month of April with our Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA); we have several pastors who are faithfully coming to our classes. Brother Peter Morris and I began teaching a twelve-lesson series on soul winning, and si [...]

Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Dare to Be a Daniel!

2023-11-11T18:24:42-06:00April 25th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

March, for our family, has been an exciting month, as well as a transitional month, with what God is doing through the Bible study we have started! As mentioned in last month's prayer letter, I have begun meeting every week on Wednesday eve [...]

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