The month of February has been a very active month for us, and it has been very exciting to witness what God is doing here! Lighthouse Baptist Church of Acacia is growing in our new location! We are averaging around 45-50 people a service now and have already outgrown our space! It makes it challenging, but it is a very good problem to have. After talking to our landlord about needing a larger space, he is letting us move to the top floor once a permanent structure is built, Lord willing, by the end of May. The move will mean that we will have a space that could fit closer to 125 people! We are excited to see both the spiritual and physical growth of LBC!
During this month, we unexpectedly lost a young man in our church. He was very excited to be in church every Sunday and was growing in his new walk with the Lord. Through Levis’ death, the neighborhood where he comes from put together a prayer service every night leading up to his funeral. Daniel came to me, and together we went three different nights to preach the Gospel unto them. Through these services, many have come to put their trust in Christ alone! From this, we are praying for the chance to start a discipleship class with those recently saved! When the funeral was finally scheduled, I was unable to go due to PPTA training. Daniel was more than happy to go on my and the church’s behalf. I am overjoyed to report that during the time there and during the funeral, he was able to see 51 souls make a decision for Jesus Christ alone! The loss of Levis is heavy, but we know he is with Christ forevermore now. God used the loss of Levis to bring many more souls to Him (Romans 8:28).
PPTA went very well this month, with 12 pastors faithfully attending, and they are getting ready for graduation in May. They have also been getting ready for the Medical Clinics (March 18-22). Discipleship with Lewis and Fredrick is also going well, and both are growing strong in the Word of God. Our monthly teen group is growing as well, with around 12 teenagers. It has been a thrill to see their growth and excitement to help in church!
At the close of the month, Peter and I went upcountry to visit the ministries of eight of the pastors we work with. It was truly a blessing, as it strengthened my burden and desire to assist these godly men where we can and to see them continue to make an eternal difference for Christ where they are! During this trip, we visited one of our national pastors who has recently started a new Bible study in a new area with the hopes of starting a church. Our church was able to be a blessing to him, as we gave them the tent we used when we first started our Bible study, and now they will use it as a place to meet for their Bible study! It’s a blessing to see, as we transition from meeting in a tent to meeting in a building, that our tent is now being used to start a Bible study outside of Bomet! God is so good to use us!
Lastly, please continue to pray for Ali and her health as she slowly recovers. Pray for the medical clinics and for the many souls that will hear the Gospel. Thank you and God bless.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, and Esther Heselschwerdt
- I am teaching at Bro. Williams’ Bible study in the tent our church donated to them.
- I am getting ready to preach at one of the prayer services for Levis.
- Those who have faithfully attended church for 12 weeks in a row are being awarded their Bibles!
- A group photo with Pastor Wycliffe and the church in Ndhiwa!
- Jeffrey is leading the singing with Bro. Peter Morris at PPTA!
- I am teaching Sunday school while Daniel translates for me.
Romans 10:14