Wow! What an incredible month we have had here in Kenya! We started the month out with our PPTA (Pastors’ Practical Training Academy), which our team leader, Bro. Peter Morris, runs. It has been a blessing each month to see how far these pastors have come since the first month. We had around 10 national pastors again this month, and it is hard to believe that we are about halfway through the training with them. I’m looking forward to watching their continued growth over the next eight months!
Discipleship with Fredrick and Lewis in the city continues to move forward as well. It has been such a blessing to watch their growth over the last several months. This month was especially special for Lewis, as we celebrated his first birthday as a born-again believer! He was so thankful and excited to share how much he has grown spiritually over the last year!
Our little Bible study keeps growing spiritually, as we have around 10-12 faithful adults each Sunday evening and around 35 faithful children! We have a small group from our adult class that will be graduating from our discipleship class the first Sunday in September! We were also excited to have 2 new ladies visit our study this month, and after hearing the Gospel, both of them came to put their trust in Christ alone for salvation! Please pray for our little faithful group as we make the change from Sunday afternoons to Sunday mornings, starting in September. We will be having Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. and a main service time at 11:00 a.m., still on our home property. Also, please pray as we search for a piece of property to either rent or buy in our area.
We were blessed this month to have 5 of the teenagers from our Bible study go to a Teen Conference that the McDonald family and Calvary Baptist Church put on! Our teens learned a lot from the preaching of God’s Word, and we have seen some spiritual growth in them since this conference! We thank the McDonald family for putting this conference together to help reach the youth throughout Kenya! Ali and I were even more blessed when we were able to sit down with these same 5 teenagers, go through the Gospel with them, and then see each of them put their trust in Jesus Christ alone! Please pray for these teenagers, as we are going to start meeting with them every Saturday afternoon for a time of study and fellowship!
God is working, and He is building His church! We are so blessed to be a part of the Lord’s work here in Acacia, Kenya. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support in the Lord’s work here in Kenya, East Africa!
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah and Esther
Romans 10:14
- I am witnessing to our teenagers. Praise the Lord, they all came to put their trust in Christ alone!
- Lavender, one of our teens, leading the singing during the kids’ class!
- Our teens at the Teen Conference at Calvary Baptist Church of Kiambu, Kenya!
- One of our teens leading the singing during the kids’ class!
- The adults studying hard during our Sunday afternoon service!
- The boys playing the Oreo Game during kids’ class
- Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA)
- Fredrick during weekly discipleship time