Team Ghana Update: Developing LeadersLast week, our church was privileged to hold its annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. The theme was “Developing Leaders,” and our guest speaker was missionary to Nigeria, Dr. Mark Holmes. God blessed our conference with over 500 registered delegates. This was over 100 more than last year. In addition to that, many from our church came each day. Each evening service had over 900 in attendance. Certainly, this was one of our best-attended conferences. Not only was Ghana well represented, but we also had delegates from the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Togo, and Sierra Leone. We thank the Lord for His blessings.

Here are several testimonies from those attending the conference:

Pastor Rexford Aning: “Several decisions were made by our church members. One made a decision to support publicly what our church teaches and preaches. Three people made decisions to get involved by cleaning their Sunday school classes. Three came to learn how to play instruments yesterday. Three will start soul winning this Saturday. The conference was a great blessing!”

Pastor Abraham Subui: “This year’s conference has brought a great revival and many blessings to my church. Some of the men that came with me said they were challenged to do more for God, especially one deacon from my church who is ready to learn how to go soul winning in Waali because he only can read the Waali Bible. Our ladies also testify of being challenged by the conference. Thank you.”

• Pastor Joshua Haruna: “All those who came to the conference were testifying about the goodness of it and how they are ready to apply it into their lives. Some of the pastors I had invited were telling me that they are very happy they were there for such a wonderful lesson they learned concerning leadership. This being their first time attending this conference, they suggested to me about how we can plan every year to be able to attend it regularly.”

Prayer Requests

Next month, we are hosting a group from the First Baptist Church of Hammond. While they are here, we will be conducting several vision clinics. Everyone who comes to get their eyes checked will first receive a Gospel presentation. Please pray for many souls to be saved and then added to our churches. We are trusting God to provide the equipment we need to have these clinics on a regular basis. If you would like to help with this, please email me at Also, our team family-in-focus this month is the Hall family; pray for them. Their letters are available at Thank you for your prayers and support!

Ted Speer
Pastor/Team Leader

FBMI Team Ghana Update Picture

2024 Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
