Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter:  Web and Radio StatsPREACHING IN PAKISTAN

Praise God for His direction and protection! Though our June trip to Pakistan was delayed for the Lord’s reasons, we have cleared some hurdles and are now in the process of rescheduling our trip! Please pray that we would have God’s timing and favor in this new effort, as God has given us multiple opportunities to preach in TWO areas of the country. This doubles our area of influence. Pastor G___ W___ and Evangelist C___ S___ will still be my preaching partners for this trip; I hope to have details for you soon!


M______a, an Afghani man, and his wife recently crossed over into Pakistan from neighboring Afghanistan. I told you about him in a previous letter. M_______a converted to Christ through our ministry over 16 months ago. A few months after getting saved, he was captured and arrested by the Taliban terrorist group. He spent a year in jail under the worst of conditions, unable to contact his wife (still an unbeliever). After his release, M_______a said he remained under surveillance by the Taliban, which followed him, hoping to find other Christians. This past week, he was able to escape into Pakistan with his wife, where they are now refugees. Unless deported, they are safe from the Taliban where they are. I am trying to unite him with a pastor and ministry I preach for regularly in a major Pakistani city. Please pray that God would bless and guide this effort.


In the last 30 DAYS, your prayers and support have helped us reach:
• Afghanistan: We have had 3,066 visits to the site—1,087 of these were listeners, 873 of which were NEW listeners.
• Iraq: We have had 3,010 visits to the site—on average, we have seen 100 listeners per day.
• Egypt: We have had 1,920 visits to the site—1,344 of these were listeners.
• Morocco: Our site and signal were down for a few weeks, but we are up and running again.


Recently, I was led on a tour in the city of Dearborn by fellow missionary D___ G___. He took us to a Buddhist temple and a major mosque, both of which used to be fundamental Baptist churches. These properties were sold to these false religions, because these Baptists couldn’t or wouldn’t make a go of it anymore. May God strengthen and encourage our fellow brethren to trust Him through all difficulties. He is able! Please love your church and the man of God, and stand with him as he stands for the Saviour!

Missionary #6505