Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Zeal to Reach Others with the TruthWe are privileged to be a part of the amazing work God is doing in Ghana, West Africa. We thank God for the opportunities afforded us in June.

Soul-Winning Training

Emmanuel has been attending my Sunday school class for several months now. Emmanuel (marked with the arrow in the picture below) came to us from a Baptist church in the Volta Region. His pastor has attended several of our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conferences. Emmanuel is saved and has a zeal to win the lost. On his own, he has organized a group for outreach. In the group are young people from different parts of Ghana. They meet online for teaching. They also meet twice a year for village outreach. Emmanuel invited me to teach them about soul winning.

So, on Saturday morning, June 15, I took with me two of our Bible college seniors, Anthony and Sylvester. Fifteen were present when we began. We started by surveying them about salvation. Several gave the right answers, but some were mixing works with their faith, and some were not solid on eternal security. We divided up; Anthony, Sylvester, and I each took a few of them and went through the Gosp el plan. I believe at least eight decided to put their faith in Christ alone for salvation. After the Gospel presentation, we came back together, and I began with the soul-winning training. They asked great questions. My fellow missionary, Charles Osgood, came and taught them more about soul winning in the afternoon.

This was an impressive group of young people—very smart, and they all have a zeal to reach others with the truth. I pray we can provide further training for this special group.

Bible College

Praise the Lord for 16 new students in our day college this year. Eight of them were in my Church Finance class earlier in the month, along with 17 returning students. We reviewed some of the required concepts from mathematics. I taught them about recording their transactions and analyzing them to establish a budget. In July, I will teach them about setting up and operating their finances using budget accounts. Please pray that these students would be well-equipped for the ministries God has for them.


Our Ghanaian staff have been preaching on two different radio stations each week – one on Friday night and one Saturday morning. For three weeks, I joined them for the Friday evening slot to teach some basic financial principles. I started out by sharing the Gospel; we need to have the right relationship with Him (Father-child) to succeed with our finances. Each week, people called and asked good questions. Please pray for this weekly outreach.

Thank you for believing in us!

Mike, Maria, Joy, Faith, and Ben Sarver
