Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us as we transitioned back to the U.S. for our first furlough. This has been Lydia’s longest time in the U.S. Even as young as she is, she has had her own forms of culture shock. The cold weather was definitely an adjustment. There was about a 70-degree temperature difference from when we left Nigeria to when we arrived in the U.S. We had snow the day after we landed, and Emma enjoyed playing in it, but Lydia, not so much. 😊
Thank you to everyone who has continued to pray for Emily’s health. She is definitely improving, and we are grateful that she has more good days than bad days. Please pray as we continue to work to improve her health as time goes on.
We have enjoyed being with our sending church at the beginning of our furlough, as well as having some unexpected opportunities. Near our area, there has been a large influx of refugees from various African countries. It has been great finding people close to where we serve even far from our field. We have been able to give the Gospel to many of these refugees. We have been privileged to see several saved and come to church.
Our most recent church plant, Salem Independent Baptist Church, had its opening service on May 5! They had 22 attend the opening service, and the pastor has been seeing people saved every week. Thank you to everyone who prayed; please continue to pray for this young church and pastor in these early days as they grow and continue to preach the Gospel.
Please pray, as we will be traveling to the Midwest to report to some supporting churches and to see some family. Please also pray for Nigeria, as the economy there continues to worsen. The price of many basic foods has increased three times since we have been on furlough. This is causing a lot of hardship for the people in our churches.
We just had updated prayer cards made! If any of you would like some, please let me know, and we can send you what you need. Thank you all so much for your prayers. We are very aware that so much of what we do is made possible by your prayers and your support.
That all the world may know,
Caleb Christiansen

Opening Sunday for Salem Independent Baptist Church