Christopher and Amy Yetzer Prayer Letter: Moving and MoreWe apologize for being slightly behind in sending out this prayer letter. Moving our apartment has caused a series of other difficulties and time- consuming obligations. In unfurnished apartments in Italy, the lights, kitchen cabinets, etc. often need to be purchased. Our apartment has about 20 lights, of which we have installed 7, and we still do not have closets for our kids. We’re not complaining; we are very blessed and very happy in our new apartment, but there is just not enough time or finances to do everything that needs done all at once. One time-consuming thing has been resolved through your mediation and God’s help. While we were looking for a car, I was walking 45 minutes to the train station in Pavia and then taking a train to Milan Central Station and renting a car every weekend. The rentals have been fairly cheap during non-tourism season, but the car companies always look for some minor thing that they can charge for. We had evaluated different brands of cars and had been asking the Lord to provide a specific one. We have finally found one that is in better condition than we could have asked for. It is a 2016 with lower mileage, and it is rated as one of the best categories for pollution, which will allow us to drive in Milan for many years, as they continue to make restrictions on the types of cars which can be driven in the city. Thank you to everyone who donated to help us purchase this vehicle! We are reminded every time we see it of those of you who have shared of your finances so that we could buy it.

Just as we had to move to a suburb of Milan, so have several other church members. In April, a brother and sister in our church moved north of Milan. We drove the rental van for them, and William and I helped on two occasions to move things into their new apartment. They were the ones who had put our church chairs and other things in their storage, but since they were now moving, everything needed to find a new place. We were able to use the van during the same day of their move to take the church items to our new apartment, as well as finally empty out our attic in the apartment in Milan. Most of our church members come from various sides of Milan, but our location is still central for everyone.

We have a new member who has been going out soul winning with us. On one of his first times out, we were witnessing to a Muslim man, and I noticed an older Italian lady move from a bench across the path to sit closer and listen to our conversation. As one of our other men was talking with the Muslim man, I took the opportunity to speak with the lady. She said she was interested in what we were talking about, so she moved so that she could hear better. She did not get saved that day, but she said something that amazed me. She said she had never owned a Bible. She clearly believed in it but had never purchased one to read it herself. I felt bewildered that a lady of this age, who believed the Bible, had never owned one in any language or edition. I tried to find whatever way possible to give her a free Bible, but she was unwilling to give me her address or a means of contacting her. I pray that we can find her again and remedy this wrong. As our new church member has continued to come soul winning, he has started to talk to people himself and has grown in his zeal for evangelism. Pray that we are faithful and will have fruit that remains.

Recently, Missionary Evangelist Darrell Bolton and his wife Joanie came to our church and preached on a Sunday. We had a good turnout, and they did a wonderful job encouraging our church and our family. They have a lot of experience on the mission field, aiding missionaries and just being a blessing to them. We had a great time with them and are thankful for their visit. We also have an upcoming meeting in July with Evangelist Paul Crow, who has been to Italy several times but has not yet been to our church. Please pray that God would provide fruit that remains!

Missionaries to the people of Italy,

Christopher, Amy, William, AnnMarie, and Charlotte Yetzer