

Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: Thank You for Not Giving Up on Me

By |October 2nd, 2022|Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|

Pastor Kingsley Addai “A few weeks ago, Agya Opoku was invited to our church by one of our members, and I preached the Gospel to him the day he came. The following week, I asked him about his salvation and discovered he had not understood w [...]

Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: A Request of My Prayer Warriors

By |September 1st, 2022|Bill F. Family (#6505), Prayer Letters|

On August 15, 2021, the Afghani military collapsed, and the Taliban instantly filled the political vacuum. The Taliban have turned Afghanistan into an Islamic dictatorship. Ironically, the internet is the one means of communication that sti [...]

Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: Converts Now Attending Church

By |August 26th, 2022|Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|

Please pray for these men, their families, and their ministries as you read their testimonies. Pastor Rexford Aning “Recently, we had the privilege to organize a five-day Bible Club. We had a total of 108 children show up in those five days [...]

Missionary #6501 Prayer Letter: How Far Would You Go to Attend a Good Church?

By |August 24th, 2022|Mark B. Family (#6501), Prayer Letters|

The Difference Is Worth the Distance! Yesterday we made the acquaintance of a beautiful family from Pakistan. Both the husband and wife had been reached by the same independent Baptist church there, where they met and eventually married. Go [...]

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