Our Loss but Heaven’s Gain
In 1958, Richard Osei was born into a Muslim family here in Ghana. He trusted Christ after reading the Gospel message in The Sword of the Lord newspaper. Also in that paper, he read many sermons by Dr. Jack Hyles. In late 2007 or early 2008, Brother Osei was traveling through the village where Hyles-Anderson College of West Africa was previously located. He saw the college sign and recognized the name Hyles. He decided to walk in and investigate. There he was introduced to our church and started attending faithfully. At the age of 50, he enrolled in our Bible college. After he completed his bachelor’s degree, we hired him to be the assistant headmaster in our Christian school, Fundamental Baptist Academy. Also, Brother Osei has helped me personally by giving me advice about customs here in Ghana.
Earlier this year, a severe problem developed with Brother Osei’s kidneys. A surgery that was performed on Brother Osei in Accra ended up doing more harm than good. After months in an Accra hospital, Brother Osei was allowed to return home to Kumasi, but regular dialysis was required. Just this past Sunday, we received word that Brother Osei had gone to be with the Lord. Our ministry will miss Brother Osei greatly!
The funeral will be held on December 19. Please pray that our church would be able to minister to Brother Osei’s wife and children as they cope with this loss.

National pastors, staff, and their wives who attended the marriage retreat hosted by the Fundamental Baptist Church International in Kumasi, Ghana
Investing in Marriages
Several months ago my staff and I met to discuss ways in which we could best help the men we have sent out to pastor churches. We decided that one of the best investments we could make in their ministries would be to invest in their marriages. So we planned a marriage retreat for the first week of November. In addition to welcoming our national pastors and their wives, we invited our college students, church staff, and church members who are married to attend as well. This opportunity was also made available to several couples who will soon be married.
More than 30 couples attended at least some portion of the retreat. We began with a foundational sermon on marriage during our regular Wednesday evening service. The day sessions on Thursday and Friday were filled with biblical teaching. Thursday evening and Friday evening we enjoyed special meals together. Not only did I enjoy teaching and fellowship with these sincere Christians, but I also believe God used this conference to make an eternal difference. Several couples have taken time to thank me in writing or in person for helping them take their marriage to another level. As you pray for pastors in the ministry, be sure to pray for their marriages and families as well.
This month our featured team prayer letter is from the Sarver family. Please take time to pray for this good family. Your support for our team enables the Sarvers and our other team families to be used of God here in Ghana.
Yours for souls,
Ted Speer
Team Leader