Teaching All Nations2018-11-09T09:42:08-06:00

Rey and Tess Garcia Prayer Letter: Soul Winning and Gospel-Tract Distribution

The month of March was still a challenging month for us, as we continued trying to find a permanent place for us to stay. We have seen a lot of rental homes around the cities of Legazpi and Daraga, but we have not yet found the right place. [...]

By |May 7th, 2024|Categories: Prayer Letters, Rey Garcia Family|0 Comments

Bob and Jacqueline Bowen Prayer Letter: Thank God for the Resurrection~

“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” (Matthew 28:6) Don’t you know that this verse gives the Devil a big old headache every time he sees it in the Bible?! Thank God for Easter Sunday! Thank [...]

Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: A Giant of a Man

Many years ago in Bible College, I remember Dr. R__ Y___ preaching a sermon called, “The Hyssop That Springeth Out of the Wall.” He quoted from I Kings 4:33, a passage that summarized many of the accomplishments of Solomon. From there, he d [...]

By |May 5th, 2024|Categories: Bill F. (#6505)|Tags: , |0 Comments

Shari House Prayer Letter: Bible English Camp

The first week of April, we held our yearly Bible English Camp. I developed this program several years ago, and it runs similar to a VBS, with an English focus. This year, we did 4 days and had 50 students ranging from 1st – 7th grades. The [...]

By |May 5th, 2024|Categories: Prayer Letters, Shari House|Tags: , |0 Comments

Jonathan and Brittany Beil Prayer Letter: Finished Our One-Year Language Program

Greetings from scorching hot Thailand! Although the weather has persistently been in the triple digits the past many weeks, we love serving the Lord here, and we are grateful for your prayers and support for our family. By God's grace, we w [...]

Jonathan and Laura Bryan Prayer Letter: Children’s Day and Bible Clubs

OUR PRAISES I’m not exactly sure why it is, but in many cultures, it’s far easier to see women saved, begin to attend, and serve in their local church than it is to see men. For about the last two years, we have made a concentrated effort i [...]

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