Simeon and Susie Hudson Prayer Letter: He Prepares the Hearts!

By |2022-01-02T13:20:42-06:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Simeon and Susie Hudson|Tags: , |

Happy New Year! I hope your Christmastime was wonderful, celebrating the birth our wonderful Saviour. To be honest, it was hard on us with me not being able to do much. I can't imagine how people go through this life without a wonderful Sav [...]

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Chad and Sarah Inman Prayer Letter: Much to Thank God for in 2021 and Ready for 2022

By |2021-12-31T22:05:43-06:00January 3rd, 2022|Categories: Chad Inman Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for praying us into 2022! This past year, God’s people have been faithful and have grown much spiritually, in spite of the “on again/off again” requirements placed on us. We had a fantastic annual Christmas celebration. Throughout [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: Converts Reaching Others

By |2021-12-27T19:55:07-06:00December 28th, 2021|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Please pray for God to give great wisdom to Bible-believing, soul-winning pastors such as the ones below. Pastor Kingsley Addai “In the middle of the picture is Emmanuella Osei Assibey. I am so thankful for her testimony. She is saved, bapt [...]

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James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: Fruit, More Fruit, and Fruit That Remains

By |2021-12-21T21:01:07-06:00December 23rd, 2021|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We hope you and your loved ones have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. Though my overseas trips were completed in August, I was able to stay busy soul winning here in my hometown area. We were also busy preparing and participating i [...]

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Mark and Kim Palmani Prayer Letter: Life Is Like a Vapor

By |2021-12-17T16:35:35-06:00December 22nd, 2021|Categories: Mark Palmani Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The months of August through November are typhoon season. In October, there was a typhoon that came through our city and stayed for almost three days. There was one neighborhood where three children lost their lives as the mudslide from the [...]

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Dan and Deb Rothwell Prayer Letter: I Thank the Lord for Calling Me into His Service

By |2021-12-17T16:33:53-06:00December 21st, 2021|Categories: Dan Rothwell Family|Tags: , |

“. . . I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” (Acts 26:19) Twenty-nine years ago on September 17, 1992, the Lord called me to start a church on a Pacific island. The “heavenly vision” happened during a graveyard shift in the Unite [...]

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Charles and Lindsey Osgood Prayer Letter: Celebrating Our Church’s 15-Year Anniversary!

By |2021-12-19T13:02:07-06:00December 21st, 2021|Categories: Charles Osgood Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your faithful financial and prayer support! Soul Winning and Discipleship The harvest is truly plenteous here in Ghana! It is such a blessing for Lindsey and me to be able to preach to lost souls on a weekly basis and also to [...]

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Warren and Jary Lynn Storm Prayer Letter: Divine Appointments and Bus-Route Miracles

By |2021-12-11T12:52:37-06:00December 15th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Warren and Jarylynn Storm|Tags: , |

Merry Christmas! May God give you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year ahead! We have so many things for which to be thankful. God has provided for us and protected us through our travels. Also, your prayers, cards, and express [...]

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Andrew and Laura Steers Prayer Letter: Reflecting on the Goodness of God

By |2021-12-14T16:41:56-06:00December 15th, 2021|Categories: Andrew and Laura Steers, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Psalm 106:1 – “Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” As 2021 draws to a close, we cannot help but reflect upon God’s relentless goodness toward us, and this is in spite of health [...]

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Walter and Suni Poole Prayer Letter: “The Best Thing I Ever Did!”

By |2021-12-08T17:58:48-06:00December 9th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Walter Poole Family|Tags: , |

As we approach the Christmas season, we want to thank you in advance for all the blessings you have sent our way in 2021. God has used you, your prayers, your letters, and your financial support to help us bear fruit here in Cambodia! In ou [...]

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