The months of November, December, and the beginning of January have been very filled with many phone calls, voicemails, letters, emails, and texts to pastors and churches. Please pray that I will have continued wisdom regarding which churches to contact. There is one answer to prayer that I really need. I was not expecting this, but I am having a hard time planning meetings for churches in New England.
In my previous letter, I asked you to pray for a part that was needed for my Mitsubishi. There is a song that we teach the Good News Club children in Hermon called “God Answers–No, Wait, Yes.” The song says, “Sometimes God answers ‘Yes’ when I pray. Sometimes God answers ‘Wait’ when I pray. Sometimes God answers ‘No,’ just because He loves me so, for I know God always answers when I pray.” Well, God did indeed answer your prayers. He answered “Yes” by providing a church’s car ministry to help with the finances. God also answered “Wait” by my car having a mind of its own. It sounds complex, but in a matter of speaking, the “Wait” that God is speaking of is referring to needing to make some decisions before my next big trip. Will you please pray with me that I’ll have wisdom with my vehicle in March when I need to make those decisions before I do “Out of New England” deputation?
Did you have a great Christmas celebration? The second-best part of children’s ministry to me is the parties. Through all of the ornament making, present-opening games, and yummy treat eating, each child was encouraged to bring a friend to the party, where they all heard about the promised Saviour and Light of the World. The Good News Club in Hampden had six new children come for the Christmas party, and one of them has kept coming back. The Christmas lesson for the Hermon middle schoolers was “Christmas prayers for the unsaved.” It was a blessing to hear them pray out loud. The Good News Club in Corinth had one new child attend the Christmas party.
During this lovely, bitter-cold winter, it brings to mind one thing I am thankful for—snow! Snow reminds me of how Christ has cleaned my heart. This is a blessed saying that I love teaching the children. Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support.
- 7 new children heard the Gospel
Prayer Requests
- Wisdom while planning meetings
- My vehicle
In Christ,
Larae Hoff
- Good News Club in Hampden
- With Herndon middle schoolers
- Good News Club in Corinth