Andrew Chafa Prayer Letter: God’s Timing Is Perfect

By |2017-02-02T14:43:35-06:00January 27th, 2015|Categories: Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” (I John 3:17) Praise the Lord for the beginning of another year as we work to fulfi [...]

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Dennis Lagos Prayer Letter: God Is Faithful

By |2015-01-23T17:13:13-06:00January 26th, 2015|Categories: Dennis and Holly Lagos, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The holidays were a busy time for most, yet what a blessing it was to pause for just a while and reflect on the miraculous birth of our Saviour. We enjoyed spending time with my wife’s parents over Christmas break. We were also privileged t [...]

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Baraka Hall Prayer letter: “Well, Ain’t God Good!”

By |2015-01-22T23:29:12-06:00January 25th, 2015|Categories: Baraka Hall Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

PROVISION “Well, ain’t God good!” These past two months, we’ve been awestruck to see how God cares for His own. It seems like during the holiday season that deputation meetings start to slow down. God led us to Central Baptist Church, where [...]

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Brian Hebert Prayer Letter: 17,000 Miles

By |2015-01-26T13:32:57-06:00January 23rd, 2015|Categories: Brian and Liz Hebert, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I am writing this letter to you to let you know that Liz and I have survived a full year of deputation. If you are reading this letter, it means that you have survived another year in the Lord’s service as well. Thank you all for your conti [...]

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Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter: We Have Our Visa Appointment!

By |2015-01-07T12:12:50-06:00January 10th, 2015|Categories: Prayer Letters, Simeon and Susie Hudson|Tags: , , |

I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and is in the process of having a Happy New Year. Susie and I enjoyed Christmas at home with family. We attended our home church on Christmas Eve and also for the Watch Night Service on December 31. [...]

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Chris Pattison Prayer Letter: Happy Holidays

By |2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00December 22nd, 2014|Categories: Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

December Prayer Letter 2014 As we come to the end of the year, I’m excited that by this time next year, we will hopefully be celebrating Christmas in the Philippines. With that being said, I hope that you will pray for our upcoming meetings [...]

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Dennis Lagos Prayer Letter: Season of Change

By |2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00December 19th, 2014|Categories: Dennis and Holly Lagos, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

It seems with every change of season is a show of God’s unchanging grace in our lives. Fall is brilliant for the vibrant colors revealed by the changing of the leaves. The world is changing, but God’s immutable love never changes. There are [...]

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Missionary #6703 Prayer Letter: Merry Christmas!

By |2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00December 15th, 2014|Categories: Oral Anderson, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be . . . .” (John 12:26) I once heard a preacher relate that serving God is a life and not necessarily contingent on a geographical location. It becomes ch [...]

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Brian Hebert Prayer Letter: Speaking Broken Spanish

By |2017-02-02T14:43:45-06:00December 10th, 2014|Categories: Brian and Liz Hebert, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Many times we can keep our trips to relatively short distances, a thing which is assuredly preferable to me, but other times we get to travel great distances in our deputation ministry. The beginning of November started with a trip that beg [...]

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Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter: Double Blessings

By |2014-12-06T16:54:04-06:00December 9th, 2014|Categories: Prayer Letters, Simeon and Susie Hudson|Tags: , |

November was a month of double blessings. On the 28th day of November, we finally received the permit to enter Argentina that we have been praying about for two long months! Praise the Lord! Now we are sending our documents to the Argentine [...]

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