Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Opportunities for Our Entire Family

2022-06-01T11:10:21-05:00June 1st, 2022|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Last month, I wrote that John and Joy would be involved in SMITE camp, which is a program to train young people how to conduct evangelistic Bible Clubs for children. In the afternoons, John was a Bible Club leader, and Joy assisted in one o [...]

Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Post-Pandemic Record Attendance in Sunday School!

2022-04-27T12:38:13-05:00May 1st, 2022|Categories: Henry Gonzalez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

What a wonderful time we are having serving the Lord here in El Salvador! God is working through His church to bring the Gospel to dozens of people on a daily basis. I want to thank you for the great part you have had in seeing people come [...]

Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Fuegos de Evangelismo 2021

2021-12-21T13:23:39-06:00December 27th, 2021|Categories: Henry Gonzalez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The second week of September, we were blessed and honored to take part in the Missions Conference of Tabernacle Baptist Church of Greenville, South Carolina. What a wonderful time we had there! We were encouraged by the love shown to us by [...]

Luis and Carolina Martinez Prayer Letter: Always a Joy to See People Saved

2021-10-11T19:52:37-05:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Luis Martinez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

III John 1:4 says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” I pray you are doing well when you receive this letter, along with your family and loved ones. My family and I are doing well, and I want to thank you f [...]

Micah and Abbie Christiansen Prayer Letter: A Conference First

2021-10-04T19:40:19-05:00October 3rd, 2021|Categories: Micah Christiansen Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

During August 10–13, our church was blessed to have its annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference again. Last year we were prevented from doing the conference due to COVID regulations, but this year we were able to help delegates from all ove [...]

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Team Ghana Update: New Additions to Our Christian School

2021-08-06T11:48:12-05:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

We thank God for allowing us to start Fundamental Baptist Academy in October 2010. Back to School Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our school was closed (except for some tutoring in students’ homes) for the last 10 months of 2020. We thank God [...]

Henry and Tammie Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Six Weeks of Much-Needed Spiritual Refreshment

2021-08-01T14:48:07-05:00August 2nd, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Family Update We arrived back in El Salvador on July 17. What a great joy it was to be back in our church pulpit and with our beloved church! We are grateful to our faithful church members for doing a phenomenal job in continuing on with ev [...]

Courtney Godsoe Prayer Letter: A Great Start to 2021!

2021-03-29T16:36:39-05:00March 26th, 2021|Categories: Courtney and Ester Godsoe, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Praise the Lord for a great start in 2021, with 517 souls trusting Christ through soul-winning and outreach activities during January and February. Our folks are so excited to be able to get out and about whenever they can, as the current l [...]

Henry Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Rejoicing at Being Able to Gather Together Again

2020-12-30T14:27:22-06:00October 3rd, 2020|Categories: Henry Gonzalez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Quarantine has ended and . . . Prior to the reopening of our church facilities, we were able to have a community outreach through the generous donation of one of our supporters; $1,000.00 was donated for food distribution. On Saturday, Augu [...]

Keith Baker Prayer Letter: School Is Back in Session!

2020-09-09T14:52:01-05:00September 9th, 2020|Categories: Keith and Theresa Baker, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Our Christian school has been in session for a few weeks. Theresa is teaching English as a second language again this year. There appears to be a good spirit among the students, with almost no absenteeism. I believe this is due in part to t [...]

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