“This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23) We marvel at the wonders the Lord is manifesting on our field. Boasting is excluded as we witness that what is happening is not a man’s work but the Lord’s. What the Lord does to people and through people who humbly surrender to Him is miraculous. We rejoice in the scores of people who have been saved and baptized and the many who have been added to our churches since our last letter.
We started our new discipleship program in our Sunday school hour. We started three new adult classes, a new teen class, and a new children’s class. The results have been an increase in attendance and an increased spiritual growth for both the new teachers and the students. Our prayer is that more people will hop on board the training train and become involved in our teaching ministry.
The Lord has blessed us with a solid group of sold-out young people. They help with the media program, soul winning, Sunday school, Junior Church, church music, and the routes. They encourage me for the future of our ministry and the future of Baptists here in Mexico. We have increased our emphasis on activities and camps, not just to entertain them but to train them.
We will be starting up our Christian school again this month. Many new young people are enrolled, and we are dedicated to training them for the ministry. Please pray for wisdom for us as we lead these young people to do the will of God for their lives.
Please continue to pray for us as we save up for a good van for our ministry. We thank those of you who have contributed. Continue to pray for laborers to help us reach this harvest. We also ask prayer for our safety. Pray for wisdom for us as we try to guide the people whom God has entrusted to us. Your prayers are so important to the missionary families. We are praying for you.
In His service,
Robert Wilson
- Teen activity
- Recent open-air meeting
- Recent open-air meeting
- My wife’s ladies’ class