Rebecca and I are enjoying our precious little Abigail extremely! Her first two teeth are coming in. She is now sitting up, crawling, standing, making messes, and breaking things; it’s great! Please faithfully pray for our family’s health, safety, provision, and God’s wisdom to help us build a more solid family so we can be used to reach South America with the Gospel.
Bro. Miguel is one of our preacher boys. He started a new Sunday school class in November. He also preaches in our church and is a zealous soul winner! God called him to full-time Christian service, so please pray ardently that his life would be used in an extra- ordinary way.
We use mini-buses to bring people to church. They are 15-passenger vans, but we can fit up to about 22 people if the driver is not looking. We are now renting 6. We could fill more, but it is too expensive, so we are hoping to raise more support so we can start more bus routes. Please pray that God would provide the funds so we can rent more to bring more and change more to give Him more glory!
Please powerfully pray for our marriage, more money, and multiplied millions marvelously saved and serving the Saviour in South America.
A special thank you to those individuals and churches that graciously sent us gifts for Christmas! We feel humbled by your consideration for our family and ministry.
Xavier Lopez
- Bro. Miguel, one of our preacher boys
- Some of the mini-buses we rent for our bus routes
- Our most recent family photo
- One of the mini-buses we use for our bus routes