In the month of July, we had our Teen Camp, which was a great blessing! It was held at Lake Titicaca in a small village called Tiquina. We had to take boats to get there, which added to the adventure. I and a few of our men and teenagers preached through the week, and everyone who went made life-changing decisions. It is a sweet time of fellowship and revival, which our church looks forward to each year. Please pray that the 31 people who surrendered their lives to Christ will continue faithful and strong for the rest of their lives.
Please also pray that our church would continue to grow to be a strong breeding ground for full-time servants of God. We are training preachers, Sunday school teachers, bus captains, soul winners, and leaders in our ministries; but now I would like to work on training pastors, church planters, evangelists, missionaries, and other full-time Christian servants of God. Please pray with me about starting a Bible college for this purpose.
In the month of August, Freddy and his family were invited to our church. In the picture below, their oldest daughter in the middle had just gotten saved and baptized. Also below, she is pictured getting baptized. During the preaching, I could tell God was working in Freddy’s heart, but he would not respond during the invitation like his family did. I witnessed to him after the service, and he got saved. Please pray that they would get planted and grow in our church to become peculiar people, zealous of good works!
September brought several more people saved and baptized and new soul winners added to the church, along with the wedding of a young couple. The end of the month, we arrived in the U.S. to make preparations for the birth of our second daughter, Alyssa Joy Lopez!
Please pray for our health, safety, and God’s blessing on our family and ministry as we continue giving our lives to help reach South America with the Gospel.
Xavier Lopez