Tom Dinius Prayer Letter:  Clearing Land/Fence Going Up on Church Land“The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in form this time forth, and even for evermore.” (Psalm 121:5-8)

God has shown Himself strong as He protects me. The car broke down, and the Lord helped a man to recognize me in the middle of a rainstorm; I had only met him once at a funeral. He gave me a tow home. God has been protecting me and some of the young men of the church while we have been taking turns staying in a tent out at the church land for the last two weeks as the poles, sand, stone, and cement were delivered.

The holidays are over here on January 13 when everything starts back up and opens back up. We have been able to get the land cleared and the poles for the fence cemented in. We had to wait for the fencing to come in. It was delivered today.

It has been difficult to get things done, as much time has been spent at the church land, yet it has been a sweet time with the Lord. I long to go soul winning but can’t leave the fencing materials, as they will be stolen. It has been a blessing to have the Lord bring souls to me since I can’t go to them. Toivo is one such young man who received Christ. He came with some spiritual questions and left with salvation.

Our car totally died on Christmas Eve, and the dealer could not get it in to evaluate it until January 17. The timing belt broke and did damage to the engine (bent valves, etc.). It had served us and the church well since 2006, and we had bought it used.

We had a young man visit In January. He and the family will be finishing up deputation this year and then will apply for permits, which takes another five months. They want to come to Namibia. It is a year and a half off, yet it shows us God is at work and hearing our prayers. Please continue to pray for laborers for the souls of Namibia.

1. Thank you for all who sacrifice regularly to support this ministry, for the prayers given to the Lord on our behalf, and for the Christmas gifts and cards that were received.
2. For the progress out at the land for the church
3. Healing of Aaron

1. Pray for a vehicle.
2. Pray as we finish phase one of our building program.
Get the land cleared—done. Get the fence up—¾ done. Get the sewer line in—½ done. Get the land serviced with water and electricity. Build a temporary house/shack. Build the toilets for the church. Get a large tent up to hold church services, and level the land where we will put the chairs.
3. Pray for souls.
4. Pray for health. Jamie had another major problem with his colon. Continue to pray for Hosanna’s Crohn’s disease.
5. Pray for a visa for Angola; we need them by April for the wedding of one of our faithful girls.

In partnership for Christ,

Tom & Margo Dinius