“. . . be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” (II Timothy 2:1) Praise God for the strength that His grace gives us to do His work. As we finished one year and entered into the next, we had two big events: our Christmas program on December 17 and our church’s 7th anniversary service on January 28.
Our Christmas program was filled with godly Christmas music and an evangelistic message by Bro. DeMoville. We had 256 in attendance, with 68 saved and 9 baptized. A great deal of work went into preparation for this event, but the lives touched were worth all the effort.
For our annual IBC anniversary, we prepared 6 roasted pigs (a favorite here) served with rice. We had 602 in attendance and baptized 44 for the day. We had 290 children who came; 61 were led to Christ by personal soul winners. It was a great day, and afterwards we were tired—but it was “a good kind of tired”!
For the year 2017, we had over 6,851 salvations from our ministries at International Baptist Church and 271 baptized. Almost all of these were from personal soul-winning efforts of our staff and people. We have a great group of soul winners in our church who consistently go out each week, and the results show that soul winning still works!
In late February, Bro. Stan Lawrenson, one of our team members, was laid low by two herniated disks in his lower back. At first he was in intense pain; it is hard to see a man who is so active being held back. Please pray for strength and wisdom as he seeks the best way to treat his condition. He leaves a very big “hole” until he is back on his feet and healthy again.
Our college is well into its second semester, with graduation coming in April. I have enjoyed teaching classes on biblical counseling and Christian character traits. We have a great group of students who have a heart for God and are hard at work in the ministry here. Please pray for their unsaved family members and that God will lead each one to a “special someone” with whom they can share a lifetime of Christian service, should the Lord tarry.
Our soul winning is off to a good start, as we have a church theme of One by One. In January while out on Saturday soul winning with our church members, I was able to lead Carl, a 22-year-old maritime college graduate, to the Lord. With me was Bro. Vicon, one of my adult Sunday school class members. Our area, just like yours, needs more soul winners! Thank you for your faithful support and prayers that enable us to have this kind of a ministry on a fruitful harvest field!
Yours for the souls of men,
Scott Christiansen

Carl was led to Christ during Saturday soul winning.