We invite you to rejoice with us as we tell the tales of our missionary adventures. In the past two months, we have had over 1,000 people saved in our evangelistic efforts, and hundreds have been baptized. Many new members have also started helping in our various ministries. Glory to God!
One of our exciting ministries is our open-air, street-preaching services. Each Saturday, we take a couple van-loads of members to a different unreached area. We divide up with megaphones and flyers and announce the upcoming meeting. One Saturday, we held three of these services, and I was able to preach to over 900 people outside that day. Many people from these meetings come to our church to make public their professions of faith in Christ. The purpose of these meetings is to win souls, find new areas for routes, and find places to start churches in the future.
Our rehabilitation ministry has been growing too. We are now ministering in several new rehabilitation facilities and have had hundreds of men saved through this ministry in the past two months. Since they cannot leave, we baptize them right there in the facility. We have baptized over 200 men in these rehabilitation facilities since our last letter.
I must give credit to whom credit is due. Many of these results are possible because of our faithful team of weekend warriors, many of whom go the second mile by helping during the week. I have mentioned that I currently pastor two churches. This, too, has been achievable because of the help of these faithful laymen.
We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to our supporters. Your faithful contributions make these ministries possible. We appreciate you and the encouraging words many of you have sent our way.
Please pray that we will be able to obtain more vehicles. Also pray that more families could come to work with us. “. . . The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38) We are praying for you.
In His service,
Robert Wilson
- Our open-air preaching services
- Our main church
- Over 400 people attended this open-air meeting.
- Our open-air preaching services
- These men were saved in our rehabilitation ministry.
- Men at the rehabilitation facility in line for baptism