Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Furlough ActivitiesOur family arrived in Miami on May 7 for a short furlough to celebrate Victoria’s high school graduation, firstly with a “senior trip” to the Florida Keys. On 14 May, she walked at Abeka’s homeschool program in Pensacola, and the next week she took part in our sending church’s baccalaureate service and academy commencement in Gulfport. At the same time, Joseph received an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance from Baton Rouge Community College; he has already secured a good job with an aerial photography company at the local Hammond airport in south Louisiana while he continues to pursue his pilot’s license. So, we had one graduate from college, another complete high school, and our youngest Aaron finish kindergarten in the month of May! We plan to be home at the same time next year for Brian’s high school graduation. Noah (12) is at the perfect age to take part in both Junior and Youth Camps this summer, and LaDonna turns 10 in July.

During the week of Memorial Day in Louisiana, our family once again took part in the Summer Missionary Institute for Training and Evangelism, a ministry of Sabrina’s home church. The week after, I had the privilege of being a keynote speaker in the 20th Deep South Youth Conference at our sending church. By the second week of June, Brian and Victoria were off to travel with a child evangelist for three weeks of a Bible Club Blitz at churches in New Orleans, Louisiana; Walls, Mississippi; and Hartselle, Alabama. My month of meetings included travels to Charlotte, North Carolina; Maine; and St. Louis, Missouri.

While Stateside, we have heard great reports from both of our churches in Abuja. Truth Baptist celebrated its 18th anniversary on May 12, with over 600 in attendance during a Visitors’ Month, and Grace & Glory Baptist held its 9th anniversary service on May 26, with nearly 200 in attendance. Our family will return to Nigeria during the first week of August in time for our seminary’s orientation, three Youth Camps in four weeks, and two more Pastors’ Conferences before the end of the year.

One of the best tools that a pastor can have to multiply his efforts in planting a church (or even starting a second church) is to have a reliable means of transportation, most accessibly in the form of a motorcycle. Currently, we have at least six situations where an okada (“motorcycle”) could accelerate the progress of a new church plant or assist a pastor who is navigating the challenge of overseeing multiple works. We would be thrilled for any church to partner with us for the $700 that it costs for each motorbike. We’ll be sure to send individual reports on any purchase.

Believing God,

Mark Holmes, written 1 July 2024; WhatsApp + for brief video updates