Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: New MinistryOn July 2, I was able to fly to Texas to be with my mother who is in a nursing home. My flight went smoothly, and I was able to be with my mother for a week. She is 84 years old, and her memory is good. She was very glad to see me, and we enjoyed some special moments together.

My son Samuel and his wife Hannah and little Russell drove down from Iowa to be with me also. We had a great time together. I was also able to spend some time with my brother Kevin and his wife Elizabeth and their family. I thank God for family; they get more precious as the years go by.

On the 4th of July, I was able to see a local fireworks display and was reminded of our U.S. heritage and the freedoms we have as Americans. I thank God for the United States and pray for a revival of going back to God!

On the 10th, I was able to fly back to Argentina. All of my flights were on time, and I was super excited to be back with my wife and family and the work of church planting in Argentina.

During June, I was able to teach in our Bible college for a week. I was able to teach a class on Ethics in the Ministry. We had over 60 students in our Bible college who are all hungry to learn and be trained to go out and start a new church in the coming years. I plan to continue to teach on the same subject during August of this year. During the last week of June, Pastor Paul Kingsbury visited our church and taught in our Bible college.

Our church and ministry are making plans to start a home for the addicted. We have a national problem here that is affecting the rich and poor alike. The young people are struggling with addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking, and other problems. Our plan is to purchase a few acres of land out of the city and build a chapel area, a kitchen, a men’s dormitory, an office area, an infirmary, a sports area, and a garden area. Our plan is to have the residents stay in the home for six months and give them a lot of discipleship training, get them into God’s Word, and let God change their lives. I’m not planning to be the director. My plans are to help out in some areas and be in support of this new ministry. We may call it Cry of Hope for the addicted. We are in contact with Pastor Paul Kingsbury and are getting some counsel. Please pray for this new ministry!

We would like to thank you for your love and support! We are very grateful for all you are doing for the cause of missions. Keep up the good work!

Here to serve,

Brian R. George and Family