Chad and Sarah Inman Prayer Letter: Others Encourage Us as We Work for GodEach week that goes by, we are reminded of the servants abroad (you) who greatly support both us and other missionaries through service, work, time, prayers, finances, and even coming to visit the mission field. In each service here, at both churches, we see fruit in the form of the many children and adults who come to learn God’s Word, be strengthened, and be encouraged at church. The fact that 200 to 300 people (both churches combined) attend church each Sunday in a majority Buddhist country actually motivates us to go soul winning more. So many are already coming, but so many more still need to hear. Therefore, let’s serve the Lord by telling others how to be born again and experience the peace, comfort, and joy we ourselves are already experiencing. People out there are ready now to hear the good news. “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” (John 4:35) Plus, our great God wants to reward our labor for Him. “And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” (John 4:36) That is encouragement at one of the highest levels.

Visiting Group

In June, we had an excellent-spirited group come visit us from Grand View Baptist Church of Beavercreek, Oregon. Many young people came on the trip, learned about the Thailand culture/people, and experienced some of our ministries. They were able to visit in church members’ homes, minister, and go soul winning. It encourages a missionary to see the visitors serve, learn, and experience what God does and can do on a foreign mission field. We hope and pray God continues to use these young people in amazing ways.

Growth in Teenagers

It has been exciting to see some of our young people bringing their school friends to church and making sure they hear the Gospel. Nong Phlap has about 15 faithful teenagers. We had a teen activity scheduled to go to a nearby national park that has many waterfalls. It rained most of the morning but cleared up just in time for the activity. The teens hiked up five levels of waterfalls. At the different levels, we would stop, and I would give them one of a series of truths about making upward progress in your Christian life and how to prevent or handle those times in life where you fall. The teens enjoyed the teaching, Godly fun, fellowship, and food. Several of these have told us of how they want to serve the Lord when they grow up. We are teaching them to serve now as they take on different areas of helping in Junior Church and other areas. Please pray with us for these young people; pray that their relationship with the Lord will continue to grow and be strong.

Souls Saved

One Wednesday morning, we were out giving the Gospel and had spoken to several people. No one was ready to accept that morning, but that very night, God brought a couple to church who were eager to hear the Gospel and be saved. Glen Ahk Saey and Rubygreen are thrilled to know they have eternal salvation in Jesus. We can always be confident that God is working in people’s lives. People may not be ready at the time the Gospel is given, but when they are, they will know where to go to find the Truth. This past month in Nong Phlap, 28 more souls were saved and are now part of God’s family. Thank the Lord!

Story and Prayer Request from a Few Months Back

Wanting to share, but lacking space in the letter, four years ago, we met Oraphan while traveling. Giving her the Gospel, we learned she was already sure of her salvation, as a Japanese missionary had reached her shortly after the Thailand tsunami of 2004. Two years ago, we brought Oraphan her first Thai Bible. This past April, traveling ten days to the province of Phang Nga, we met with Oraphan again, and she immediately asked us to come meet, minister, and pray with her family, as the next morning was her day off. We happily agreed, following Oraphan 20 minutes away to a little village off of the main road. In a humble, partly open-air home, her mom, siblings, and friends were all there. She told us how her home and all of the homes around her were destroyed in the 2004 tsunami. We learned that Oraphan’s family are Moken people, or sea gypsies, historically from the nearby Surin Islands. Although these islands are part of Thailand, the Moken hold firmly to their own unique culture and traditions. Oraphan had shared her testimony with several of her people and has a great burden for them. In her words, “They are so stubborn.” I thought, that is like so many people and people groups, mine included. We encouraged her not to become discouraged but to keep sharing her faith with those around her, explaining the use of Gospel tracts and leaving many with her. No matter the differences between the different cultures here in Southeast Asia, we ALL need God’s salvation, love, grace, and wisdom. We all need to be born again, and God will continue to use humble, faithful servants to carry His message forth, regardless of language, culture, country, or perceived human probabilities. Please pray for Oraphan, as she craves to be a light to her family and the Moken people.

Nong Phlap Church Building Fund

We thank the church and individuals involved with donating $25,000. Glory to God! The land has been cleaned, and we are planning for development. Please pray with us in this endeavor. For donations: FBMI, Fund #6480 “Nong Phlap,” 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320; or through the online option at, Fund: Nong Phlap 6480.

Grateful to serve,

Bro. Chad Inman

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Sarah Leading Kwan Glen & Ruby Saved Grand View Visit Teens at Falls Level 4 Noo Baptized Five Souls Saved Sarah & Mrs. Bosje Land Is Cleared Forest & I at Level 5