I have had a great start to deputation. God has opened many doors for me, and I am so very thankful! On July 18, I was in Charlevoix, Michigan, sharing my vision with the congregation. I attended a camp meeting service and taught children’s church and “kiddie camp.” The next week, I visited three churches near the Detroit, Michigan, area so my niece and nephew could see which church they liked. (I didn’t speak or share at these churches; I just took them to see if we could find a church for them to attend regularly.) Leanna and Bradley, my niece and nephew, don’t attend a church on a regular basis. I was able to spend some time with Leanna and Bradley individually, which was a blessing. When I took my niece out to a restaurant, she encouraged my heart. I usually leave a tract on the table for the waitress, so I asked Leanna to choose the tract. She was excited and handed the waitress her “million-dollar bill.” I had a first for me; that same waitress wanted to join in and hear our prayer when I asked for her prayer request before the meal.
When I was preparing to leave Northern Michigan, my vehicle had a battery problem. However, I discovered that the prices in the Detroit area were way too expensive for me. After prayer and advice, I decided to have the problem fixed in Minnesota. There God answered my prayer and “killed two birds with one stone.” The battery was new and covered with a great warranty; plus, by that time, I needed an oil change. I got it all done for a reasonable price. Praise the Lord for His wisdom and safety.
August was a month for me to travel and see a lot of country in three “new states.” On August 1, I was in Mahtomedi, Minnesota. Once again, I shared with the congregation and taught Junior Church. On August 4, I shared my testimony in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The second week of August, I had the privilege to share my vision with the members, teach the children’s Sunday school, and help with the children’s activity in two of my team members’ home churches in the Rochester, Minnesota, area. On August 15, I had the privilege to be in Council Bluffs, Iowa, where I got to lead the singing on the church bus, teach the fourth grade Sunday school class and Junior Church, and share with the members. On Tuesday, I was blessed with the opportunity to interact with the school-agers at the daycare and teach them about missions! On August 18, I shared my presentation in Robbins, Iowa. I was blessed to be in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, on the 22nd, where I got to sit and hear a preacher from Hyles-Anderson College. I finished August in Wautoma, Wisconsin, on the 29th, with the opportunity to share with their members and their children’s church.
What a blessing these first two months of deputation have been and what a blessing it was to see these faithful pastors, especially with all that is going on in our nation. It’s wonderful to see and meet many faithful church members.
While at a Dunkin’ Donuts in Minnesota and a local gift shop in Wisconsin, God allowed me to witness to three people using the EE (Evangelism Explosion) question about entering Heaven and sharing “the key and chair” illustrations. Claire, Lauren, and Joe all told me that they have a Lutheran background. Please pray for them to read the Word of God and to continue wanting to know more.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial gifts.
- The “mini” car problem was fixed and for cheaper than I thought it would be.
Prayer Requests
- More meetings to happen
- Continued safety while traveling
- Salvation of Joe, Claire, and Lauren
In Christ,
Larae Hoff
- Fourth grade Sunday school class in Council Bluffs, Iowa
- “Kiddie Camp” in Charlevoix, Michigan
- Children’s church in Wautoma, Wisconsin