God continues to amaze us! I want to share with you a little bit of a preacher’s heart. One of our fears is thinking that things might fall apart if we are not there. We might assume that church attendance will diminish, people’s faithfulness will wane, and God’s work will suffer. But just as Paul said, it’s one of the greatest joys to know that the sowing we have been doing over these years has produced fruit that remains. III John 1:4 states, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
We are thankful to receive many reports that the churches in Mexico continue to be strong in the work of the Lord. I’ve received two pictures from the believers down in Mexico that amaze and encourage me, both of which are included in this prayer letter. The first one is a picture of the good attendance at our church in Guadalupe. What a blessing it is to know that as we are in the States for another month, the believers in Mexico continue to grow in the truths of the Lord.
The second picture is of a good-sized group of young people praying before they went out to knock on doors in the last village where we started a church. They have been going out faithfully every Friday, and God has been blessing. We now have new folks in the church whom we will have to get to know when we return. Now, that’s a real blessing!
These may seem like small blessings to some, but to us, as to Paul, it brings great joy to our hearts to know that God’s precious message of salvation continues to go forth in Mexico!
We plan to return to Mexico right before Christmas. It is a great blessing visiting all the folks who have been praying for and supporting us over these years. Everyone has been so unbelievably encouraging and kind to us, and our desire during these months was to be a blessing to them as well. Thank you again for all your faithful support and prayers for us over the years. Your prayers mean the world to us as we return to Zacatecas, Mexico.
• Please pray for two new families that have started attending the church in the village of Calera. Pray for their faithfulness and growth in Christ.
• Lastly, pray that the Lord will greatly multiply His work through our lives over the next four years. Our desire is to see God’s Word and God’s name magnified in the heart of Mexico.
His servants by His grace,
Jonathan, Laura, and Wyatt Bryan