Jonathan and Laura Bryan Prayer Letter: New Church Plant Starting in Two Weeks!OUR PRAISES

We wanted to start this prayer letter out with the most exciting thing that we have been working on over the last couple of months. In 2 weeks, we will start a new church work in a town about 20 minutes outside of our city. The name of the town is Calera, and it has over 35,000 people. As I mentioned before, in that town, there’s only one other church that calls itself “Baptist.” That pastor claims to know the date that Jesus Christ will return to this earth. So it is definitely not a Bible-teaching church. For Jesus himself, said, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man . . . .” Therefore, there is much need in this town for a Bible-preaching church.

Thankfully, our new church building is now painted, more lights have been installed, seats have been purchased and arranged, and the pulpit is being built this week! Please pray that God will give us His favor as we try to use this church to reach as many people as possible for the Lord. It will all be in vain if God does not move in the hearts of the people.

One more blessing is that recently, two of our young ladies in the church in Zacatecas have married men who have surrendered to the ministry. What a blessing it is for us to see that God continues to call his children into full-time Christian service.


This week, I called the majority of our supporting churches to schedule a time for us to come and report on our churches and work here in Mexico. It’s been six years since the last time we went on furlough. We’re looking forward to seeing some old faces, along with meeting some new ones, and bragging about how good the Lord has been to us and to the believers down here. Please pray for God’s safety, as we will be traveling a lot of extra miles in the near future.


Please pray for our assistant, Rafael Ibarra, as he will be responsible for the preaching and teaching in our church during our absence. Pray for God’s wisdom and power in his life. Also, please pray that people will continue to make decisions to receive Christ as their personal Saviour. Lastly, pray for the spiritual growth of the new Christians in our churches.

His servants by His grace,

Jonathan, Laura, & Wyatt Bryan