It is truly amazing what God is doing here! Despite a national cash shortage, God keeps providing the church just enough each week for the buses to run, and souls are being saved each week. By God’s grace, I’ve been able to lead 91 people to Christ in the last 44 days through personal soul winning, and Sandra has been blessed to lead 6.
I spoke to Godwin during Friday night visitation, along with 5 others who had gathered around. He accepted Christ and promised to come to church on Sunday. Not only did he come and get baptized, but he also brought his son Winter with him. Winter got saved in Junior Church. Amen!
So far, I have had the opportunity to preach two Sunday night services and a Saturday morning bus- visitation meeting. I was also privileged to teach Sunday school for one of the church plants located in Omagwa during their 6th anniversary service, where they had 131 in attendance and 37 saved.
God allowed us to have all our visas renewed, and we are grateful to Him and Pastor Maskey, who was a tremendous help in getting this done.
We are also working out the details to travel to Abuja. We want to visit the ministry pastored by Bro. Mark Holmes.
Carina’s health has improved, although since our last prayer letter, Henry and I have had some malaria symptoms. However, I am happy to report that the entire family is currently in good health.
The currency situation has only slightly improved since last month. Cash is in short supply throughout the entire country, and while more merchants are accepting debit cards, the strain on the financial sector is causing many transactions to be declined, yet still have the funds debited from one’s bank account. Also, while the government is allowing the old notes to be legal tender again, almost everyone has turned them in to the banks, which are severely limiting how much they give back out. Even then, many merchants will not accept the old notes. It is not an issue with having the necessary funds but rather the ability to access and use them. Please continue to pray about this, as it is still affecting the church members and the staff.
I have reached out to several churches to try and schedule meetings. Feel free to forward my information to anyone who may have availability for one.
- We have seen 97 souls saved thus far!
- Our visas have been extended!
Prayer Requests
- Spiritual growth of our converts
- Our trip to Abuja
- Scheduling meetings and raising support
- National currency shortage
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, and Baby Barker
- At Port Harcourt Independent Baptist Church
- Sandra sharing the Gospel with some children