Jonathan and Laura Bryan Prayer Letter: God Has Been Working“That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the LORD hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.” (Isaiah 41:20)


It is such a blessing to see God working over the last couple of months. He has specifically been working in the lives and hearts of several different families in the churches. Let me share with you two stories that have been such a blessing to us.

The first is about a lady who has been attending our church faithfully for over fifteen years. She has been praying for her husband Jorge to come to the Lord. I’ve visited him a few times over the years, but he showed very little interest. About a month and a half ago, he was in a motorcycle accident, and I visited him again. Thankfully, I was able to lead him to Christ in his bedroom. We knelt down beside his bed, and he humbly placed his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I shared with him that baptism would be his first step of obedience. Thankfully, he put his faith into action and was publicly baptized in the church. Please pray that he will continue to grow in the grace of the Lord and not let his work keep him from being faithful to God’s house. Attached is a picture of Jorge being baptized.

Another great blessing is this picture of Kimberlie. In our new church in Calera, we have been seeing some visitors return for regular services. Kimberlie is a thirteen-year-old teenage girl, who recently had a child. One of the ladies in our church visited her in the hospital and has since been able to lead her to Christ. She has been faithful in the services and continues to grow in her faith. She is also praying for the salvation of the father of her child. During the preaching, she seems to really be taking in God’s Word. Pray that the seed the Lord has planted in her heart will continue to grow.


Thankfully, our plans remain the same as when we arrived in Mexico in 2002—to keep knocking on doors and spreading the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus. Pray that we will remain faithful to the task that God has called us to do.

Lastly, we are in the process of starting up an Internet radio station that preaches the Gospel in Spanish 24/7. With approximately $2,800– $3,000, we should be able to get all the equipment needed to get the radio station up and running. Please pray that the Lord will provide for this need.


• Pray for the continued spiritual growth of Jorge and Kimberlie.
• Pray that we will remain diligent in sharing and preaching God’s precious Word.
• Finally, pray for the provisions and wisdom necessary to start the Gospel radio station.

His servants by His grace,

Jonathan, Laura, and Wyatt Bryan