“. . . the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm . . . .”
– Nahum 1:3 –
Beryl was the kind of visitor we did not want showing up at our doorstep, but when she did, there was nothing we could do about it. As a Category 4 hurricane, she was as bad as they came, probably the worst that most of us have ever experienced. The destruction that she left in her path was catastrophic—we are still dealing with the aftermath. Some folks are still without utilities and have heard that it might be a few weeks before they are back on; hopefully, that is not the case. Thank the Lord, our family and church have come out on the other side without any loss of lives. We have suffered material losses, but our people are resilient and, by the grace of God, will bounce back quickly. We are very thankful to all of you who prayed for us and/or reached out to us. May God continue to bless you.
The hurricane gave us a few opportunities to point people to God. Many whom we spoke with were quite open to talk about God and His grace. One of the persons I spoke to was a man whose children attend church occasionally, but he himself has shown no interest in the past. Today, Chin presented himself more openly, but he struggles with understanding some Biblical concepts pertaining to the Gospel. I would appreciate your prayers for him.
We have been doing discipleship lessons with some folks here. We thank the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, for allowing us to use their discipleship materials to minister to our people. I am currently using the material with two men, whom I meet with separately each Tuesday. I started the discipleship lessons with the assumption that both men were saved, based on their testimonies. However, after a couple of lessons, both of them admitted that really were not saved based on the Scriptural truths they were learning. Praise the Lord, both of them have since made sure of their salvation.
You make it humanly possible for us to do what we do here in Jamaica. May the Lord continue to bless you!
Prayer Requests
- Our upcoming VBS
- Summer outreach programs
- Hurricane recovery
- Discipleship Program
The Anderson Family

Disicipleship lesson with Mr. Hall