As another year comes to an end, I am thankful for all of the new friends and churches that have helped us on our missionary and deputation journey! Baby Franco experienced his first Missions Conference in Ohio at the end of October; and, as always, he added some new members to his fan club! Here is a picture of Czarinna and Franco with some kids of the pastor and of the missionaries at the conference. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the main speaker of the Missions Conference was Bro. Jeremy Snipes, my old missions teacher from Bible college! I can now say that I have been in missions meetings with all of my missions teachers. My missions teachers truly practiced what they preached and taught, as all of them were missionaries at one time or another.
At the last minute, we were able to pick up another meeting in New Jersey on November 17. It was our first time to venture out to the Northeast, as we took part in Solid Rock Baptist Church’s World Missions Sunday in Berlin, New Jersey. It was pretty amazing how God gave us this meeting and how everything worked out before and after the meeting. Before the meeting, we traveled from our home base in Western Kentucky and passed through Philadelphia before we got to Berlin, New Jersey. While in Philadelphia, we stopped by to see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. This was so significant to us because right after our meeting in New Jersey, we needed to travel back to Louisville, Kentucky, for Czarinna’s swearing-in and oath-taking ceremony to become a United States citizen! How truly fitting then it was to see the birthplace of liberty and then have Czarinna become an U.S. citizen within a span of just a few days! Praise God, He answered a four-year prayer of ours for Czarinna to travel to America from the Philippines and become an U.S. citizen.
Please pray that we can go back to the Philippines at the end of February 2023. In my next letter, I will give a checklist of items that we need for traveling and for our home in the Philippines.
Fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God,
Ian and Czarinna Vincent
- Czarinna and Baby Franco with the kids of the pastor and the missionaries
- They keynote speaker for the Missions Conference in Ohio was my former Bible college teacher, Bro. Jeremy Snipes
- Czarinna became a U.S. citizen!
- Missionary families