Happy New Year! We hope you’ve had a great one. It’s currently summer here in Australia, and in Sydney, we introduce the new year with one of the biggest fireworks shows in the world. We experienced it in the comfort of our own home on the “telly.” We are so excited to announce some news coming in the new year.
As I mentioned in our last prayer letter, our state’s government removed major restrictions for all people on the 15th of December. This allowed us to purchase the remaining items from retail stores that we’ve been needing since we arrived in August. This also allowed us to travel outside of the metropolitan area. So on the 16th, we traveled north of Sydney to a church plant in Taree. Many of you may remember the Australian pastor in our video presentation. He had asked us to consider helping them while we are surveying places where we will start a church. He also offered to help us in starting the new church. This is a great opportunity for training and to receive assistance while starting the church. With much prayer and counsel from our pastor, missions director, and other men of God, we are excited to be ministering at Living Hope Baptist Church this year while we continue to search for the place where God would have us start a church. Please pray for us during this time of transition.
This past month, I’ve had the honour to preach and minister in several churches in Sydney. Mindy has continued her Bible study, Abide & Adore. This is an encouraging time in the Word geared for women. The children have enjoyed helping in the ministry by setting up for church and also fellowshipping with other children.
Thank you for your support and those who gave extra for our Christmas! Our children were able to enjoy a rather different, but a great first Christmas here in Australia. We were able to have a traditional American Christmas dinner with my family. Aussies typically enjoy a seafood or “barbie” dinner for Christmas. Thank you for those who flooded us with Christmas cards! It’s always exciting to receive mail from America.
We had another little reason to celebrate the season: we’re so excited to announce that we will be having another little Tingson arriving in June/July! This baby will be the first Australian born into our family. We’ve had a great year, and we’re looking forward to what God has in store for us this new year. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and faithful support!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- We got to have Christmas dinner with family.
- Merry Christmas from the children!
- Garry is preaching in a church plant in Taree.
- Our new little one will be arriving in June or July of this new year!
- Our children are helping to set up for the church services.
- Mindy’s Bible study, “Abide & Adore, continues.
- Living Hope Baptist Church