Twenty years ago, on February 12, 2004, Dawn and I and our then six children moved to Brazil. Presently, Dawn and I, along with our 13-year-old son Zachary, continue serving our Saviour among the PEOPLE of Brazil!
In God’s Word, we understand that because of sin, we have incurable bruises and sorrows that only God can and will heal! “. . . Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous . . . thy sorrow is incurable . . . I will heal thee of thy wounds . . . .” (Jeremiah 30:12, 15, & 17) Following are some of the people with whom the Holy Spirit has allowed us to share that cure!
A year ago, Fabio, his wife Eliziane, and their daughter Ana Clara began attending New Life Baptist Church (Taubaté) from the neighboring town of Caçapava. Afterwards, their son Samuel started visiting, but he was not saved. Praise the Lord, Samuel was saved on February 11, 2023, baptized on March 26, 2023, and finished discipleship on February 14, 2024.
Francisco and Silvia began visiting New Life Baptist Church (Taubaté) because Paulo, one of our faithful soul winners, invited them. On Sunday morning, February 4, 2024, between Sunday school and the morning service, the Holy Spirit gave me an opportunity to witness to them and help them put their trust in Jesus as their only hope for forgiveness of sins. The next morning, Francisco sent the following message: “Last night before I went to sleep, I reread all the passages of Scripture that you showed us (in the John & Romans that I gave them), and I understand what it means to be saved.”
During a recent two-day stay in Cajuru, the Holy Spirit opened another door for Henrique, who serves with me in the GANHAR Ministry, and me to talk with Pedro and his fiancé Camila. Ten years ago, our son Jonathan taught Pedro English while we lived here. Through those lessons, a foundation was laid to present the Gospel. Saturday, February 17, both prayed to receive Jesus. Three days later, Camila wrote, “It was a precious time for both of us. We are very grateful and happy!!! How important it is to know who we are and even more important how to accept Christ!!!”
Presently, Dawn and I and Zachary are in Cajuru for three weeks with the Cajuru Baptist Temple. As the interim pastor, we are investing as much time as possible with the people. In July of this year, the church will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. This year’s theme is “Preparing to Enter the Promised Land.” As we are going soul winning and discipling the people, God is working mightily in His church. The people have many spiritual, emotional, and physical needs; and the church has an unfinished auditorium that was started a few years ago.
Our son-in-law, Jonata Olivera, was ordained into the Gospel ministry on February 24, which was Dawn’s 55th birthday. Pray for him and Karlene as they continue serving our Saviour here in Brazil.
A few hours before the ordination, Gabriel was led by the Holy Spirit to talk with Pedro, whom he had not seen in a very long time, about his need to be saved and invited him to attend the ordination. Pedro Lucas and his girlfriend Bianca, who live in the neighboring town of Caçapava, came and after the service ended, I was able to get to know them and help both of them to understand the urgency of accepting Jesus.
On Friday, February 23, Dawn and I had a very special treat getting to spend a few hours with our good friends, Noel and Charlene Shrivnauth, missionaries in Guyana, while they were in São Paulo, Brazil, for a short time.
Thank you for praying and giving so that we may continue the work He has given us to do!
Dave + Dawn and Zachary Whitmore