Soul Winning
We went to several parks and plazas during February when we had nice weather. We had some good conversations with people. I did want to highlight a couple of blessings. Christa had a good conversation with a man named Rodrigo and witnessed to him as much as she was able. He just kept repeating at the end that he couldn’t understand God. There is so much confusion here when it comes to God. Christa tried to emphasize the love of God, how He gave everything for us, and how much He wanted to have a relationship with us here on earth. However, he will need many more conversations before he will be able to understand salvation. I was able to meet a man named Fabian, who is struggling financially right now. He believed in God but hadn’t trusted in Christ as Saviour yet. He asked Jesus to save him in February! Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work in hearts.
Making Contacts
We are working at building relationships in the neighborhood where we plan to plant the church. We put information about our church in the homes around a plaza. We then decided to do a short Vacation Bible School in the plaza for the children right before they started school in March. We talked to a number of parents and children in the days leading up to it, but we had only a few children attend. The blessing, though, is that it allowed us to make connections with the parents. We also passed out bags with some basic school supplies to the families around that plaza. We plan to start doing a Bible Club in that plaza every Tuesday evening, starting in March. Our hope is that we can reach some children with the Gospel and, as a result, be able to witness to the parents. Please pray for the families around Plaza Juan Laguna.
Church-Plant Update
As we look forward to planting our first church, there are three main areas of outreach and evangelism we plan to focus on. We are canvassing, followed by door knocking, in our target area. We are going to six specific plazas/parks where people gather in the evenings. I plan to start setting up a table with our church name and tracts and John & Romans on it at different street markets. We are also working to use social media as well. Please pray that we can make contacts and start Bible studies as we prepare for launching our church. Lord willing, we will have an exact start date set in the next update. Please pray that we can find the right place to meet in. We are looking at a number of different options. One place we like on a high-traffic street is selling for 1.1 million dollars. We aren’t able to rent or buy that place now, but we will keep it on our radar. We believe God is a God of the impossible! If you would like to give towards our church plant, you can scan the QR code on the left, or go to for more information. Please pray for the Lord’s leading.
- Opportunities to present the Gospel!
- New families we are building relationships with
- Bible study with María going well
- The Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the people we’ve talked to
- To be able to start Bible Clubs for kids and Bible studies for adults
- To find the right building
- Our Spanish
Thank you for giving and praying! We love you all so much.
Your missionaries to Uruguay,
Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, Emmalynn, and Elizabeth Simmons
- Bible Club in a Plaza
- List of Church-Plant Needs
- On February 2 is a big celebration for Umbanda, a false religion; this is an altar.
- Talking to Fabian