Thank you all for your prayers for our family while on deputation. On April 9, we had our third little boy. We named him Levi Henry Gonzalez. He is the perfect addition to our family. Lionel and Luca love their new little brother and are doing great with helping to take care of him.
We have many exciting things happening within the next few months. We are coming to the end of our deputation journey. We are currently at 97% of our monthly support, and we went ahead and bought our tickets to fly to El Salvador on June 3. We are very excited about making our big move.
We will be in North Carolina for meetings and to spend time with Megan’s family. We are soaking up any time we have with family and enjoying some down time to be able to pack for our move. We are so thankful for all of you who have prayed for us as we have traveled the last year and a half. We look back on deputation and can’t help but be overwhelmed with how blessed and how loved we felt from all of God’s people. God did many things for us as we traveled. Deputation wouldn’t be deputation without some struggles and trials. Our faith grew, and many lessons were learned . . . but God is faithful.
I would like to mention that I was recently able to lead Tony to the Lord in Fayetteville, North Carolina. At first, when I was presenting the Gospel to him, he was very quiet, but very attentive. I carried on and finished the presentation of the Gospel and led him through the sinner’s prayer. Right before we left, he gave me the sincerest thank you. I’m so thankful for the Lord guiding us to the right people while on deputation, not just the right churches and pastors, but also the people we got to witness to while on deputation. We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future!
A Few Things to Keep in Prayer:
- Levi’s passport to arrive on time
- Smooth transition for Lionel, Luca, and Levi
- Easy traveling day
- Protection on traveling day
For His glory,
The Gonzalez Family
- Megan and I with Levi and Pastor Shook
- Levi Henry Gonzalez arrived on April 9, 2024!