Dan and Gerri Johnson Prayer Letter: 50 Years on the Field!May 17 marked 50 years since we first set foot in Brazil as missionaries with a two-year-old in tow and seven weeks before the birth of our second child. We added two more to the family during our first term, and our last addition came in our second term. We are so thankful for the children the Lord has given us and for the opportunity to raise them in Brazil. We look forward to as many more years as the Lord allows us to serve Him here.

The church is growing. We have visitors every week, and we praise the Lord for those who have been saved and baptized recently.

This semester is winding down in the seminary, and we will be traveling to Franca, about five hours away, where I will be giving a two-week module in another Bible institute, sandwiched between a Family Conference and the annual conference for MBIB, our Brazilian mission board of which our son Bryan is president.

Upon our return, we will be about two weeks away from our first Leadership Conference, which will be attended by pastors and workers from various places in Brazil. Pray with us for the plans and preparations for the conference to be held at the end of July. Our speakers will be John Wilkerson (our home pastor), our son Eddie, several Brazilian pastors, and I. Pray that those attending will be encouraged and better equipped to serve the Lord in their respective churches.

In His service,

Dan & Gerri Johnson