Praise the Lord that His Word is not hindered! When I consider the incredible effort and sacrifice of great men in history to make the Word of God available to us, I know that we can still spread His Word in spite of the added challenges.
We have been able to do some one-on-one soul winning as we have opportunity, and our folks have used cell phones, landlines, Facebook Messenger, video calling, etc. to get the Gospel out and disciple converts. Our two staff men have also resumed weekly Bible classes with our local police outposts. During the months of July and August, we saw 88 people trust Jesus as Saviour.
Our staff have been making videos of discipleship lessons and uploading them to Facebook and YouTube. Several of the men in our church have begun extensive tract distribution to those they come in contact with during their work. Probably the greatest joy in serving Christ is seeing new Christians whom we have discipled begin to share the Gospel. What a tremendous blessing this is.
We are excited to welcome our two newest Bible college students. Kasandra (left) and Carmila (right) were led to the Lord in the work we started in Lipa City, Batangas. They have moved into their dorms and begun training. Please pray for these young ladies as they undertake this important and challenging step in their lives of service to our Saviour.
The Philippines continues to have strict quarantine policies; but public transportation has resumed, and people are allowed to go out on a limited basis. Those who do go out are required to have “quarantine passes” and must wear face masks and face shields.
Ester and I came to the States for a short furlough to be here for the birth of our tenth grandchild. Praise the Lord for a beautiful baby girl, Wrenly Jane Frost. It looks like our stay will be extended because of the Philippines’ restriction on travel from other countries. I have been preaching in our church services and teaching in our Bible college using video calling and livestreaming. I have also been able to communicate with and counsel our members using online means.
If any pastors would like us to visit their churches and give an update, we would love to come by. My phone number while in the States is 219-789-5355.
A short update on our building program: We have raised $60,000 for our building program and have our building permit in hand. We are now waiting on quarantine restrictions to loosen up enough to begin building.
We are so grateful to all of you who have sacrificed to help share the glorious Gospel of Christ.
Yours for souls,
Courtney & Ester Godsoe