Courtney and Ester Godsoe Prayer Letter: Continued Fruit and BlessingsThank the Lord for continued fruit and blessings. During the months of May and June, we saw 832 precious souls profess faith in Christ.

I mentioned in our last prayer letter that we would be starting a nursing home ministry. We had our first service on the Saturday before Mothers’ Day. I preached a message of appreciation for the mothers and gave the plan of salvation. Our folks visited the rooms of the patients who were not able to attend the service and shared the Gospel and gave gifts to each of the residents, including toiletries and personal items and special gifts for the mothers. I can’t describe the happy expression on so many of their faces as they responded to the Gospel and the special attention they received. One of the ladies was so happy she began singing “You Are My Sunshine” to Ester after the service. Ester and I joined her, and then several others who knew the song joined in as well. It was a wonderful service and one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. Lord willing, we will be having regular services there. If you ever need a little encouragement, visit a nursing home and share the Gospel and God’s love. God is so good.

We celebrated our church’s 19th anniversary on May 19. Our afternoon/evening service was a wonderful time of rejoicing with folks who’ve been with us for the long haul and those who’ve joined throughout those years. The time has flown by so quickly since we started Providence Baptist Church, and God has blessed in so many ways, with thousands of souls being saved, many lives being changed, and people serving God in full-time ministry.

I recently had the great privilege to be the main speaker at Youth Camp. God moved in a tremendous way in the tender hearts of the teens. There were many decisions made for Christ, and several surrendered to full-time service for God. Please pray they will follow through with their decisions and that the Lord would call more young people as laborers in this bountiful harvest. We are living in an amazing time of opportunity to reach the world for Christ. We are near the 10-40 Window, and I’m especially excited about opportunities in Southeast Asia, which is right at our doorstep. God is opening doors there, especially for Filipinos. For example, Ester and I have made two missions trips to Vietnam, and our visas cost $100 each, but visas for Filipinos are free. Please pray that young Filipinos will see the great need and opportunity that they have.

Ester and I are in the States for a four-month furlough until mid-October. If you would like us to stop by your church for an update, please let us know. Our phone number is (219) 895-7532.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and financial support to keep us in this bountiful harvest. We are so very grateful.

Yours for souls,

Courtney & Ester Godsoe