Kun Singad and I began visiting a new area close to our village. The area is a garden, which is owned and operated by the Royal family. Many of the workers and families who live there have been doing so for decades. After two weeks of visiting, 12 people trusted in the Lord. On the third week, I brought my wife Sarah and my three children to visit the people. Harmony had a lot of fun playing with the kittens, rabbits, and dogs. She also connected well with the children there. It was the next day, Sunday, when Harmony turned six years old and also the day when 6 first-time visitors from the garden came to church. When Singad and I visited in the prior weeks, nobody came. Harmony, Autumn, and Forest visited, and 6 came. I congratulated the kids, and Harmony responded with “God brought them.” (Humble pie!)
Recently one of our young men, Boy, brought two fellow workers to church. The workers asked why Boy was reading his Bible so much, and thus he invited them to church. The two ladies, Mong and Kay, only spoke Burmese. It was on this Sunday night that I learned how proficient Boy is, translating from English to Burmese. The Gospel was given to Kay and Mong for 45 minutes, and they were both happy and elated. The next Thursday evening, Boy came out soul winning with me and visiting missionary, Bro. Eddie Arold. Together, 3 Burmese people were saved.
Please pray for the kind people of the garden area near our village. Pray that their faithfulness would hold strong and that more of the moms and dads would attend church. Please pray for Boy and his continued zeal for the Lord. Pray for Mong and Kay and the many other new Christians who are reached here through your support. Our family thanks you for your encouragement, and we pray that God is working greatly in your lives.
Chad Inman and Family
- Harmony and new friends on her birthday
- Friends at Bro. Arold’s helpful conference
- Mong and Kay ready to be baptized