Brian and Liz Hebert Prayer Letter: Springing ForwardWe’ve had a busy past couple of months, and we’re grateful to have you be a part of it through your faithful prayers. March started out with a very helpful time of enrichment for my wife and me, as we attended a seminar for mental health, which taught about how to handle life’s most stressful and difficult challenges with Christ as our guide. It was a blessing to me, as this is something God has led me to focus on as I pursue continuing education in Biblical counseling. My heart’s desire is to share the love of God through the counsel of His Word.

Our youth also had a great opportunity for a unique Youth Rally that centered on training teens for ministry. There were several messages from young men called to preach, classes on evangelistic song leading, how to write a sermon, how to design Gospel tracts, painting, and other encouragements. I’m excited for what our youth can do for the Lord now and in the future. Please join me in prayer for their spiritual growth and training.

March is a time when Persian people celebrate their own new year called Nowruz (no-roos). Pastor Johnston felt the Lord would have us dedicate a Sunday to celebrate and invite many Persian people in our city to come and hear about the true hope for a new beginning—the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone put in a lot of effort to give out special invitations to neighbours and to others all across our city. We had several visitors, one of whom is still coming to this day. Praise the Lord!

Speaking of Persian outreach, please pray for a lady with whom my wife had been meeting (we’ll call her Martha for privacy and safety) to go through an evangelistic Bible study. She has certainly rejected Islam but isn’t saved yet. She is open to the Gospel, and I believe Liz was making great strides in getting through to her about Jesus. Unfortunately, some unforeseen circumstances have interrupted their meetings, and they won’t be able to meet for some time. Please pray for the Gospel seed already planted.

In April, I had hernia surgery, and by the time you’re reading this, I’m well on my way to getting back to semi-normal. I had the surgery at the world-renown Shouldice Hospital in Thornhill, Ontario, which has developed a remarkable method of treating hernias that heal relatively quickly. I thank God such a place is available near us.

Continue to pray for me as I disciple and counsel a couple of men, and others as soon as the Lord gives me opportunity, who are going through difficult times. I believe strong, encouraged men make for a stronger church that can go forth in power and love to reach others for Christ. God be with you all as you serve where you are.

Your friend and co-labourer,

Brian Hebert

FBMI Missionary Brian Hebert Prayer Letter Picture

Liz and I with the teens who attended the Youth Rally
